Wednesday 29 October 2008

Dog with no name.

A new puppy, 7 weeks old, house training in progress, that's the reality.
He has been sleeping in the kitchen.
The dream was that several people were taking care of him around 8 am. Cleaning up any mess, letting him out, feeding him, morning papers etc.
I thus relaxed into a bit more sleep, fully justified.
Waking up, reality kicks in, as it does for everybody.
I crept though to the kitchen, fearing a terrible mess before tea and toast would be permissable.
No worries, pup still fast asleep, any mess done, he must have cleaned up himself, perfection.
Wagging tail, pleased to see me.
Good doggie.

Sunday 26 October 2008

Self Destruct

I was up to my waist in sea water and wearing a stainless steel helmet.
In front of me was a mortar launcher.
I plopped a mortar bomb down the vertical barrel and watched as it launched upwards for several hundred feet and come straight down onto my head.
I repeated this procedure a number of times and got increasingly impressed by the qualities of stainless steel.

Sunday 5 October 2008

Triple Redundancy Tower System.

I was living in a three tower system which was absolutely massive.

Standing between them they often could not be 'seen' due to their unnatural size. They went up to the edge of space.

Lifts went up inside them but took all day to get to the top. People strapped themselves in and it was worth getting to know your fellow lift travellers to pass the time.

The towers had everything that was needed to survive. Each was similar to the other. I remember running through a church at one point so I could find a lift going up to the heavens.

The towers were constantly getting built higher.

A job for life.

Thursday 2 October 2008


I asked my mother if I could steal her purse.
She seemed surprised but agreed.
I asked if she could some money in it first, no point in stealing an empty purse.
So, in went a £10 note.
She then lay the purse on a chair.
I swiftly picked it up and ran off.