In this dream I was alternating between being a woman and a man and lived in a seaside town.
As the dream progressed I knew I had done it all before.
I designed rockets.
I built and launched a white rocket with a red nose cone and launched it into space. It divided into six smaller rockets, each of which returned to my garden although one went through a neighbours window. These rockets all brought back information from space on how to build another, smaller rocket with unusual properties.
I built this small rocket and prepared to launch it from the glass pleasure dome on the front.
But the residents of the town heard about the launch and surged onto the front to stop the take- off. At this point green sea creatures emerged from the surf and duck taped everybody except me. Nobody else could move or speak. I had disguised the rocket as a pencil and held a bunch of them to hide the rocket.
The rocket took off from my hand on schedule, soared up through a sky light in the pleasure dome and out into space.
It then returned and entered the body of a person in a glass case near to where I stood. The person then reanimated, got out of the case, walked over towards me and merged.
The whole episode then started all over again.
The cycle of life and death continued.