Sunday, 24 May 2009

The Eurofighter

I was camping on the site of a Tesco car park, with sons C and R. There was a loud roar and a Eurofighter appeared overhead and circled our tent at an altitude of only 100 feet. We all ducked down thinking it was going to crash.

The plane then swivelled vertically and landed on its tail, taking off again with a tremendous roar, flames belching from its exhausts.

The fighter then circled again, its pilot giving us a wave, before roaring off into the distance.

All done by computer except, possibly, the wave.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Aeroplanes, Robbers and Exams

I was in an aircraft, light blue in colour, inside and out. It was a small passenger plane piloted by a friend of mine. We came into land on South Street, in the middle of the town. Pedestrians, cars and buses scurried out of the way.
A good landing with around a foot to spare each side.
A short time later there was a commotion in the street ahead. A bank robbery was in progress. Some people had been injured.
I strode up to the three robbers and shot them with a repeating shot gun that had materialised in my hand.
Not long afterwards I sat in a cafe and a friend arrived happily telling me that she had almost passed her university course, just one more easy final exam after lunch. We celebrated over a cup of tea.
An average morning in the life of the Snoring Man.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

The Unexpected Visitor

I worked in a big office, not the boss but quite high up, present day.
We got word that Heinrich Himmler, German SS leader was to pay us a visit.
All the other staff then ran out of the building with the exception of myself who remained.
Himmler duly arrived in full uniform and we shook hands.
I showed him round the office, as he had requested, and he seemed genuinely interested in all the various operations.
I had a vague idea of who he was, but perhaps the others had a better grasp of what he had been involved in during the war.
Perhaps their reaction to run away was the sensible course of action.
I was perhaps too gullible or trusting.
Anyway we seemed to get on well and made ourselves a cup of tea.
I was unaware that he had commited suicide near the end of the war.