Thursday, 29 November 2007

Green Ghosts

In a corridor with son C. Wood lined and pretty scary. Almost dark.
A slightly luminous and ghostly figure appeared in front of us and asked if we wanted some target practice.
I was too shocked to say anything but C replied that we would give it a go.
The figure led us downhill, still in the wood lined corridor into a huge hall.
We walked along an earthy ridge into the middle of the hall.
The hall was lit with an eerie green light and the massive unsupported ceiling sagged downwards in a threatening manner.
It felt that we were far below ground in a place unvisited by humans.
All round the hall, walking and floating were numerous green ghosts.
We were given a gun each and told to shoot at the ghostly figures.
We did this but to no effect. The ghosts only give a grim laugh and went about their business.
Ghosts cannot be simply shot down, they obviously require a different approach.
Therapy beckons.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Broken Sleep

Another dream of sleeping in a bedroom with a glass floor, horrendous drop beneath into my cellars.
No sudden movements, need I say more?

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Snow Right

It started to snow last night all across Scotland. Deep soft stuff, excellent for snowmen and the like.
But not white. Mostly white but with a lot of green and red flakes.
Made the world look like one of those McFlurry things.
And it was really cold. Fine if looking out of a warm house or wearing a survival suit.
But everyone was in their underwear and had to build their own shelter from the snow.
Some had fared better than others, and me.
One guy had an igloo thing already well underway. He was sitting inside having a tea break and playing poker.
I would have to get a move on.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Unusual Flight from Egypt.

I had been diving in the Red Sea with a female companion. We were due to fly back to the UK.
I arrived at the airport of Sharm el Sheikh and boarded the aeroplane.
My friend was a bit late and I had arranged to meet her on board.
However I noticed something odd about the aircraft. It seemed to comprise the entire terminal building.
We started to take off. I was concerned not only about the immense size of the aeroplane but that my friend had not yet boarded.
Nothing to worry about though as she had been in the airport terminal and soon made her way to her booked seat.
The flight was surprisingly uneventful and I realised that I obviously knew nothing of modern aviation.
My friend, who seemed to be a mixture of several people, laughed and joked with others around her.
We left the aircraft in the company of another couple who seemed to be aware of some future adventure about which I knew nothing.
I was left to guess.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

All at Sea

I had joined the Navy. The American Navy to be precise as I seemed to be a crew member of the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise. A friend of mine had also joined but the problem was neither of us knew where the Enterprise was berthed.
We had been told to board her on the river Tay in Scotland.We had been issued with a magnetic mine between us, in case we ran into enemy shipping en route. Only problem was it was quite heavy.
Another problem occurred to us in that we didn't know who the enemy might be. Russia was probably not an enemy and we were pretty sure that the Taliban or Al-Qaeda didn't have a navy. So, we would have to play it by ear.
Anyway the main problem was finding the aircraft carrier. Obvious place was the harbour, no trace. We looked inland. Perth and Dundee seemed to have fused into one, an unlikely and unhappy merger.
We searched the areas of Urban Unrest such as Letham, Lochee, Muirton and Menzieshill. No Enterprise, nor any enemy shipping.
Then we saw a huge white ship churning its way up into Oakbank, quite a well heeled area. Trouble can errupt anywhere it seems.
We set off to board it, remembering not to attach the mine.

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Quality Time With The Children

I was exploring a cave with my two sons, then around 1yr and 10yrs old. The cave was massive and was full of incredible, naturally sculpted shapes, all in dark maroon. There was also a continuously revolving natural cement mixer. It had a curious revolving ring of stone. All seemed strangely alien.
We went outside and I noted that my 1yr old had found some stilts which brought him up to his big brothers height.
We walked towards a sweet shop and 1o yr old son bought some chocolate. I stood behind him in the queue and was helping the shop owner to clear out broken glass from his shop display.
I turned to buy some more chocolate and found that it had all disappeared, to the dismay of my 1yr old.
We went outside and started to walk home. It had heavily snowed in our time in the sweet shop.
Suddenly lightning struck the grassy path in front of us. Not just one bolt but continuous and multi pronged lightning.
Another salvo burst closer to our position. Another behind. It totally destroyed anything it struck.
We ran back towards shelter in the sweet shop. But it had dissolved and had disappeared like a fading dream.
As of course it all was.

Small Girls

Rather annoyingly I forget the first bit of this dream
Anyway I was with a group of men outside in the dark. We were being entertained by a group of 6 inch high, female escorts. They were real and not just dolls.
The cry went out that we needed some more. Not sure what had happened to the others or even what the interaction between us had been. My imagination fails.
I was detailed to obtain the additional girls and went into our dormitory to find some. I searched through some of the lads drawers but could not find any.
Another man entered and I asked him if he had any. He immediately went into his room and came out clutching around six of these rather exquisite little creatures. He asked if they would do and I said that they would do nicely.
I was further annoyed by waking up at this point.

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Ice Fall

Another ice climb last night, must be re visiting my lost youth.
It started off with a straightforward 50 degree snow slope. Roped up this time and wearing a black crash helmet.
I reached a small ice cave which oddly enough could also be reached by a subterranean stone staircase. I then switched over to a red crash helmet.
From the ice cave I led up a narrow gully, which consisted of 80 degree ice.
The ice was a bit rotten but I could lay back up the more solid left edge.
I had run out around 100' of rope when I fell off.
I remember wondering how best to land.
Feet first, head first?
I couldn't decide so woke up instead.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

A very low ebb.

This morning the tide was very low, much lower than any spring tide. The huge harbour was dry, with the sea murmuring uneasily further down the astonished sand.
Myself and three others decided to walk along beneath the sea wall, feeling like ants.
As the harbour wall approached it towered enormously above our heads. We peered underneath a jetty, it was cavernous and very dark. Ocean going liners departed from this spot.
We walked towards a slipway, green with seaweed, and decided to walk up to its top.
At the top we sat down and wondered what had happened to the sea.
One of the others then got out, rather incongruently, his wedding photos and asked me to look through them.
They were in a weird sort of sepia colour and looked ancient even though the wedding took place just a few weeks ago.
Something else to ponder.

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Climbing Through History

Doing a spot of ice climbing with twin ice tools and crampons. No rope.
Not your usual ice fall though. Seemed to be a frozen vertical rubbish dump.
Old pots and pans, bottles, biscuit wrappings and orange peel stuck out of the ice and frozen ash.
Good placements however with the picks and foot fangs, satisfying.
The crux of the ascent arrived with a slightly overhanging pile of frozen magazines.
Appropriately the magazines were old issues of Climber and Mountain.
Somehow it all fitted together.

Saturday, 10 November 2007

A New Council House

My mum, dad and myself had come into possession of a new council house.
Mum and I were waiting the arrival of father who was due to arrive in his Morris Traveller with a bottle of wine to celebrate.
We looked out of the metal framed window and saw him park down the road and walk towards us.
He was looking at the house numbers as this would be his first visit.
His face fell as he saw us at looking out of the top window.
We realised at the same time that ours was the only house in the street without a roof.
More damp patches in the ceiling for sure.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Army Issues

I had joined the army and was given a brand new khaki uniform. A bit stiff in the arms and legs but looked pretty smart.
I joined a queue for the handing out of equipment.
I was asked by the commanding officer if I wanted some 'jelly'.
I answered that I did want some, although I was a bit surprised to be handed explosives so early in my army career.
Alas, as you may have guessed, the jelly was on a plate and went wibble wobble and was raspberry flavoured.
I would have to wait a while longer, if ever, to be issued with gelignite.

Monday, 5 November 2007

That Unfinished Job

I was sitting having my tea with my mum and dad at our old council house. Mum pointed out a damp patch on the ceiling. With son C, I went outside to look at the possible cause.
I was astounded to see that there was a hole around 10 feet square in the roof. No tiles or sarking, nothing.
It was where I did roof repairs around twenty years ago. I could not believe that I had forgotten to finish the repair, but there it was, a gaping hole from the past.
C and I then climbed onto the roof to begin repairing the repair.
The roof was now flat instead of pitched and was covered by sheets of loose hardboard and corrugated iron.
Under this flimsy covering roared swirling water of unknown depth.
I was terrified that either C or I would slip through into the torrent.
My roof repair kit consisting of some felt and sticky black stuff seemed woefully inadequate.
No wonder there was a damp patch on the ceiling.

Sunday, 4 November 2007

The Rat

I heard a movement in my bedroom. I roused myself from sleep and heard it again. Sort of a scuffling noise. I sat up and put the light on. A movement behind a chest of drawers.
I got up and saw a huge black rat run across the floor and out of the open door into the hallway.
I chased it, together with Max the ancient dog, although I think he was uncertain what the commotion was about.
The rat (genus rattus rattus) darted from cover to cover like some sort of guerilla fighter.
Eventually I cornered it behind the TV set and was set to dispatch it with a poker. Then it disappeared, completely, flicked out of existence.
Then I woke up for the second time, no scufflings, just darkness.

Friday, 2 November 2007

The Gatekeeper

Scariest dream for a while. I was (it seemed) at the very furthest depths of my subconscious, a rarely visited place.
At that place was a strange garden. It had purple, dark green and red vegetation, flowers were mostly a bluish white. There was small hills scattered around with overgrown paths.
I stood at the garden fence. My overnight bag was several feet into the garden and I wanted it back. Main reason was that I wanted the charger for my mobile.
There were a few insects buzzing around but nothing larger. So, I climbed over the fence and tried to lift my bag. But, it had grown into the plants or maybe the other way round.
I tugged and tugged, then became aware of something behind. I looked round and saw a huge black dog staring at me. It seemed to have a massive, raw and natural intelligence and had instantly sized me up. I had to get away and looked at the fence which seemed a million miles away instead of the few actual feet.
I tried to jump but far too late.
I awakened to see a dark figure standing over me.
A blink and it was gone.
Back in my bed, the Underworld faded to a bad memory.

Thursday, 1 November 2007

Navigation Asleep.

I find myself in the navigator's chair of a second world war aircraft. I am seated at a desk behind the two pilots. I have a map, compass, watch, ruler, protractor and a pencil.
I can't see where we are going.
What am I meant to do? We have taken off and I am probably supposed to know where we are heading. Not even sure that I know what country we took off from. The pilot will soon turn round and ask for a bearing. To Germany, France or even Britain?
I look at my watch and am relieved that I can still tell the time.
My map is of no help, no GPS arrow to say where we are. That is my job.
With relief I wake up.
Finally, I know where I am.