Tuesday, 19 June 2007

The Journey

Decided to go out a ride on my bicycle. First I had to push the bicycle up a very steep, icy, snow covered hill. I met two other cyclists on their way up the hill. They warned me not to speak to the old woman at the top. She had a lot of legal, emotional and physical power. I wondered what they were talking about. Then I saw her, an old woman shuffling towards me. I recognised her, a woman from Dundee. I hoped she would pass, but no, she spotted me and called me across. She started to explain why everyone feared her. But she was merely the Gate Keeper, the Edge Figure guarding the boundary of another world.
Could I negotiate passed her to the Other Side?


The Editor said...

To much Pychobabble here for my tastes you should have just run her over.

The Snoring Man said...

Glad you don't live in my world.