Tuesday 12 February 2008

Candles in the Evening

I walked into my house via the back door in the early evening.
I was struck by the fact that candles were burning.
In the back porch, kitchen, living room, front hall, bathroom and in the bedrooms.
They were all nightlights in different coloured holders.
Seemed like hundreds of them.
It was really beautiful.
I wondered who had lit them. I'm pretty sure it was my son, C, as he was the only other person in the house, although nowhere to be seen.
Then an irrational fear took over from the wonder of it all.
I didn't want them to go out.
But, of course, they must go out at some point, probably all at round about the same time.
Things and people, dogs etc don't last forever.
Even me.

1 comment:

The Editor said...

You mean "Sandals In The Bin"?