Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Recipe Corner

Another visit from the Dream Controller.
I had wanted more and different lucid dreaming (see Dream Junkie).
The Controller checked my files, found my last two instances of lucid dreaming, put them on a baking tray and heated them for 30 minutes at 220 degrees C.
I was then handed the resulting blackened mess, served with an excellent salad.
I swung between total appreciation and extreme resentment.
Need to frame my requests more accurately perhaps.


skitzo_c said...

The dream controller baked your lucidity files for you to eat?

Did it at least taste good?

The Snoring Man said...

Afraid not, they were a tad overdone.
Should have just been baked until lucid.

skitzo_c said...

Yeah. I wonder what lucidity tastes like.
Maybe I'll put that on my to do list. Taste a lucid dream.

... but how to go about sampling it's flavor?