Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Unexpected Encounter in the Chip Shop

I decided to Leave the City. I therefore carefully laid down my briefcase, umbrella and top hat on the pavement. I headed Out of Town and freedom.
I called in at a take away for a snack and ordered fish and chips. I was astonished to see that the girl that was serving was my own daughter who I thought lived in Australia.
I started to try to frame a question but my mouth just opened and shut like a guppy fish at feeding time.
P told me that I should try to keep up with things a bit more.
Suitably humiliated I left the shop and woke myself up.
ps must make a phone call

Sunday, 25 February 2007

Parasite Fish

This was a dream I had about a salmon who swum around a green ocean but was full of parasite fish who lived in its flesh. The salmon needed the parasites and the parasites needed the salmon. The salmon has its freedom but was burdened by the parasites, which made hunting for food difficult and was always hungry. The parasites had life but no freedom, albeit plenty of food. I wondered which I would prefer to be, what about you? Maybe I am both.

Saturday, 24 February 2007

Nothing Sacred

Alone and walking endlessly through a bog towards a distantly remembered pool. It was in the furthest corner of my mind, a deserted and seldom visited place. As I approached I recalled from years ago that it was deep and crystal clear containing beautiful fish. But I knew if I got there I would be at the furthest possible point from any safety. Suddenly, as I rounded a corner which revealed the pool, I saw a thriving water sports centre that had opened at the pool side. Young people milling about with kayaks, mobile phones and ipods etc
I was shocked but realised that even at that remote place in my subconcious there could be surprises and possible places of safety.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

The Football Match

I went into a large open air football match. The pitch was at the bottom of a deep valley. There were thousands of young men watching the game. The problem was that from the top of the valley the pitch was invisible, the slope down to it being convex. I tried to go down the slope towards the pitch. The slope got steeper, no sign of the pitch, just thousands of young men, many of which must have been crushed to death, but all cheering the game.
I still have a lot to learn about football.

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

The Wild Hunt

I was part of a large group of people all wildly running in a straggly group. We were being hunted and herded by velociraptor type creatures (bit like the Beano creatures from the last post but with serious teeth). They had previously been domesticated but had escaped. They were very intelligent and continually stopped to confer with each other and plan their attack. The people seemed stupid and witless in comparison. Everybody tried to get into the middle of the groups as stragglers were quickly seized. I dashed out of the group to pick up a large stick to defend myself but the wood was rotten. A creature watched me with quiet amusement.
We ran alongside a fence, reassuringly man made, and I climbed through to the 'other side', until I realised that it had been erected by the creatures and we were all being funnelled towards our fate.

Monday, 19 February 2007

Beano Heads

A few slow dream nights so another from the archives.
This dream came about after I had been reading some of Carlos Castaneda. I was approaching a railway line and saw a very bright light seemingly shining just above the ground. Near the light was a group of weird creatures. One of them spoke to me and said they were from another dimension. They had put 'Beano' heads on so I wouldn't be scared. (The Beano is a famous Scottish comic). Their ruse hadn't completely worked. They urged me to approach the bright light, enter it, and join them in the other dimension. I slowly walked towards the light but freaked out and woke myself up. An opportunity missed?

Friday, 16 February 2007

Blog Spots

I woke up to find myself covered in white spots. I explained to my horror struck companion that it was quite normal and that everyone gets them. She (whoever she was) was not convinced.
Maybe I'm coming down with something.

Thursday, 15 February 2007

Dream flying and cartoons.

The first dream last night was great fun. I possessed an red engineless flying machine. However it was powered by my thoughts. I took a small group of people on a tour. Flight was effortless and very fast. We skimmed over a rugged mountainous area, through narrow gorges, where at times I tipped the machine on its side to get through the gaps. The ultimate ride. We landed on a rocky plateau and had a fun filled picnic before setting off from home.
No fear of being stranded on top like in last night's dream.
One for me to paint.

In the second dream I had in front of me a number of cartoon costumes, all different figures and animals. I had to choose one, put it on, so I could enter the world of cartoons. However I woke up before choosing one. Most annoying.

Wednesday, 14 February 2007


I was at the top of a high building with several women. The top of the building consisted of a series of giddy and shaky walkways. The only security was rusty handrails. There was a stairway, like a fire escape, which led downwards. The women carefully climbed down, but the steps got further and further apart. They had to lower themselves or jump onto the next step. The rusty handrail disappeared at the crucial point. A slip would be fatal. It came to my turn but I could not do it. I was too scared. There was no security, a slip then death seemed certain. The women could do it but not me.
I resigned myself to staying marooned on top of the building forever.

Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Relationships and the Gods

No dream remembered last night so another from the archives. This was about Greek gods watching my relationship. They were laughing and joking with each other and each kept putting problems in our way to watch how they were dealt with. The problems got more and more difficult. It seemed we were some sort of relationship test piece. Some seemed just impossible. Could we survive?

It certainly seemed a bit of an egocentric dream and was a bit of a lesson not to look outside of the relationship for problems as if they were all from without. Most came from within. But the dream was very intense and real and sometimes that's exactly how things appeared.

Monday, 12 February 2007

Wasps out of season.

Just thought I would add a dream painting that I did a while back. Got dozens of them. This one was about being chased by giant wasps that came out of ear ring type nests on the trees.
I had to really run to escape them and climbed up a toffee coated pole in a futile attempt to evade them.
Needless to say I was even more attractive to them and there was really no escape.
Never been that keen on wasps.
The ear rings were typical of the type worn by my partner at that time. Hers were not however, as far as I was aware, wasp filled. The dream gave a good start to tackling ongoing relationship difficulties. Actually when I think about it, these were never really resolved. Constantly felt under attack. It revolves around power issues I probably have with women.
However sometimes a toffee covered pole is just a toffee covered pole, whatever that means.


I knew something had happened outside because there was a deathly hush. I carefully went up towards the road, nature seemed to have gone into shock. There had been a terrible car accident. In the middle of the road was a pile of crumpled metal, faintly smoking. I think there were two cars locked in an intimate metallic embrace. I was scared to go near, afraid of what I might see. Other people arrived but nobody went near. Horror seeped towards us, keeping us away. I heard voices on mobile phones. No police arrived, no fire brigade and no ambulance. We waited and waited. Eventually I left. For all I know it still remains.

Obviously something scary around that I need to look at and manfully tackle, can think of several things!

Sunday, 11 February 2007

The Tsunami and Max

Two dreams again last night. The first was set in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean where I saw my mother approach in a long, open fronted shed, which was perched on top of a tsunami type wave. This wave had come all the way from the Arctic. My mum had apparently been living in a shed on the Arctic ice when some of it broke off causing the aforesaid tsunami. Perhaps global warming means I will see my mum again.

In the second dream I was driving home when Max (my 17yr old dog), got really excited when he saw a large mountain peak ahead. He obviously wanted out to climb it. I explained that we would soon be home and we would climb the much smaller hill near my house. When I woke up I thought I might keep my end of the bargain but the rain is just pouring down. Perhaps later.

Thursday, 8 February 2007

Death and a busdriver.

Two dreams again, although string again is a common theme.
In the first I was sitting with a large circle of people. Slowly walking around the inside of the circle was a tall hooded man in dark clothing, perhaps Death himself, (herself!).
He was individually dispensing punishment, torture or death as he proceeded. He came to me and tied a piece of string to my ankle. The other end was tied to a 2 metre high rocket, sort of miniature Saturn V type. I thought this might hurt. The rocket took off with a huge roar, the string snaking out behind. The string tightened with a jerk and my leg twitched but the rocket turned and headed on full power towards the ground. (Bit of a consolation for not being a lightweight). It narrowly missed me and exploded nearby. I was ok and Death moved on.

In the second dream I had a red plastic toy telephone with a piece of string attached. I stood at a bus stop and tied the end of the string onto a nearby drainpipe and talked to nobody in particular. Hoodies at the other side of the road, kicked a football repeatedly above my head. A bus arrived and they all boarded except myself who entered a previously unnoticed bus shelter. The driver came into the shelter and put on some classical music for me with a gentlemanly smile. I was overcome, and carried on waiting . . .

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Roped in or out

Last night I built a wall out of string and bits of rope in front of me. Not much of a wall. Unsure for what reason, what I was keeping out or what I was keeping in. Needing to check my boundaries?

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Testing a dream

Last night I came out of a big party into a grey dawn. I really wanted to see a touch of red. There was a large model steam engine waiting outside, onto which several of us climbed on board (it was around 4 metres long). We set off and after a muddy section, without track, we sailed along a canal to a little harbour by a pub, where we moored. It was an idyllic spot. A real maroon train clanked past on a higher level. My father (deceased) was nearby and he drove off in my Volvo. I tried to get a lift from him and got into the passenger seat and found myself sitting in the middle of the road. I then tried to walk home, and as I went along by a desolate harbour area, a giant fighter jet appeared out of the steel grey sky and crashed with a terrifying roar a few miles away. Really scary. Another jet approached from behind and crashed a few metres away. I thought I would be vaporised. But, I had misjudged its size, it was only about 20cms long and exploded with a puff of weird harmless smoke.
I turned right towards home up a long, gently inclining, curving street, which was the most beautiful street I have ever seen. It seemed to portray a timeless, innocent scene from an always 5pm, pre first world set piece. The buildings were incredible, well proportioned and homely, varied and intricately carved out of red sandstone. I was suspicious and shut my eyes and looked again. Some details of the scene had subtly changed. I then knew it was a dream and woke myself up. I felt bereft and incredibly disappointed.

Sunday, 4 February 2007

The Industrial Mice Company

Last night I was awakened by strange noises in my living room, sort of construction type noises. I went through and found that a colony of mice had almost finishing building a house in a corner.
It wasn't the usual straw or bits of paper and stuff that mice generally employ for their houses but a proper brick affair with windows and a roof etc. I was impressed but annoyed.
I was also a bit peeved as I had spent months trying to put in a new kitchen and they had completed a much grander project overnight. Then I really woke up.

Saturday, 3 February 2007

My mother and a stolen car.

Two dreams last night.
First was walking up a steep hill with my son, Callum. We were trying to catch up with my mother (currently deceased). We could not overtake her and at the top of the hill she disappeared into a church. We could not follow her for some reason.
In the second dream I parked my silver Volvo estate on the platform inside a railway station. Went to the station cafe and when I returned the car had been stolen, complete with its leaking radiator. I asked a group of soldiers who were parking some tanks just where the Volvo had been parked if they had seen my car. They said they hadn't but I peeked underneath the tanks anyway, no sign.
I went to a phone to report the theft but had forgotten the registration number. I went back to the car to check what the number was and the car was back where I had left it.

Thursday, 1 February 2007

Do unto others etc

Relationships again last night. The theme this time was painting your partner in your chosen colour. The hapless partner had no direct say, although past behaviour obviously influenced the choice. I painted an ex partner of mine in a colour that I now don't remember (wonder why?). We went to bed together and not surprisingly some of it rubbed off onto me.