Sunday, 2 December 2007

Holiday Red Tape

Still holiday time. This time I had to hand over all my toys to the 'Holiday Keeper Of Toys' before going on holiday. I obtained a receipt for all my Lego, frisbees, cars, trains, drums and such like. All were made of red plastic.
It was not just me that had to undergo such an ordeal and indignity, everyone had to hand over their beloved toys.
So, on return from Butlins or wherever I had been, I joined an orderly queue at the 'Toy Return' section.
When my turn came I handed over my receipt and the toys slowly reappeared. Slowly, as only one woman was on duty for the entire UK.
How could I be sure that the ones I got back were mine as all toys were kept with their peers, eg drums were kept in the drum section etc?
I began to panic, some were possibly different from those I had handed over.
Then order broke down. People got agitated that I was taking too long.
A scuffle ensued.
Punches were exchanged.
Chaos broke out.
With my back to my dubious toys I defended my position.
I had taken on too much, me against the entire toy toting population of the country.
Defeat was inevitable and so I had to wake up.

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