Saturday 22 December 2007

Smoke Alarm

I lived in a block of flats next to an old abandoned house.
I thought of buying the house for a while but never got round to it.
Eventually someone else bought it and my chance was gone.
A few weeks after they moved in, I could smell smoke in my flat.
It seemed to be coming from the walls.
I phoned the fire brigade and out they came, led by Donald the Firefighter.
They started to pull apart the walls.
On a hunch, I went down into the basement and found another underground house extending from the old house next door.
An old woman lived there and the place was full of old furniture, herbs and magical potions.
She had a good going fire lit, the smoke from which found its way up into the flats.
Somehow I wished I had lived there. The place seemed not in this world.
I went upstairs to tell Donald to stop pulling down my walls.

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