Wednesday, 24 October 2007


Last night's dream felt really weird. I went along to a 5 a side football match at the local community centre, with my son C.
In the middle of the pitch was a large cage containing a parrot. It was free to a good home. Several people had tried to keep it but without success.
I spoke to the officials who, slightly reluctantly, agreed to give us the parrot.
We went over to the cage and found that the parrot was huge, around 6' tall.
It was dressed in a smart green coat with trousers, scarf, the lot. He introduced himself to us as Elderond. He seemed capable of easily biting us in half.
Elderond seemed more in command of the English language than either of us and questioned us as to our circumstances etc.
We asked if he was willing to walk along to our house and he agreed. His cage would follow on by lorry.
He chatted endlessly as we walked on various subjects, some questions he asked I was at a loss to answer.
His cage had appeared at our old council house and he entered it elegantly. I promised to visit him later.
However I forgot to visit him until much later and took him a piece of cheese. Elderond was visibly upset and wondered why I had not visited. This was not going to work he explained unless I kept my word and that he was treated with more respect.
I agreed that I would in future.
I wondered with a bit of trepidation if he was toilet trained . .

1 comment:

The Editor said...

Surely domething to do with 'birds' in general.