Thursday, 6 March 2008

Constant Supervision Required

I was sitting in my car on some waste ground outside a school. Two workmen were nearby doing something messy.
I was being watched by the school janitor from a little shed.
My reason for being there was that I had some work to do but I was trying to remember what it was. Memory problems.
I looked around and saw 4 bottles of red wine lying alongside 4 original paintings by some old master.
These had been there for some time as I remembered and had been discarded by a friend of mine.
Why had he or someone else not picked them up?
Somehow it was a test.
Should I just take them?
But, I was being watched.
Perhaps I could come back under cover of darkness? They might be gone.
Then I remembered, I had come to pick them up.
Sigh . .

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