Sunday, 9 March 2008

Warp Power Motorcycle

Just got delivery of a brand new, ultra low power motorcycle.
Set off on my first road trial of the machine. Headed towards Glasgow.
Flat out I could achieve 40mph but that was its total limit. Not very fast.
However if I lowered my head it seemed a bit faster, perhaps it was, streamlining etc.
Tried lowering my head and shoulders a bit more, seemed loads faster, perhaps 60mph.
Lower still, somewhere around my knees, easily 80mph.
However I was pretty sure I was still humming along at 40mph.
Lower still, head near the road, probably hitting the ton, hard to see where I am going.
Reached Broxden roundabout, dual carriageway all the way to Glasgow, nearly a 2 hour journey at 40mph.
Head down onto the tarmac, how do I do it? Seemed like 200mph.
Eyes less than a millimetre above the road, now 500mph easily.
Approaching the molecular level of the tarmac, unbelievable speeds now being reached, measured in the thousands of mph.
Lower still and even lower.
Jump to light speed, zoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom . . . .
Got to watch the bends near the Dunning turn off.
Its all in the mind, or is it?

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