Saturday, 17 March 2007

Jumbo isolation

I was flying alone in a Jumbo jet made of plywood. Quite a feat of carpentry. No other passengers or flight crew, just me, sitting in the passenger accomodation. No wonder considering the construction material. I looked out of a window and the plane started to bank over, looking out of the other windows made the plane bank in that direction. I sat in the middle and a level, even flight was resumed. I seemed to have some influence on the flight's progress, which was reassuring. Sitting in the middle I was also aware that I could sense what was outside the plane, sitting at window seats destroyed that ability. I started to panic and control was lost, I woke up.

1 comment:

The Editor said...

Another flight of fancy here, I'm afraid. Just sit tight with a blinkered outlook, but I wouldn't like to be in the flight path when you come down to earth again.