Monday, 30 April 2007

Ghost Aeroplanes

This was a dream in which I entered a massive underground cave. Daylight crept in from various openings. I met an old woman dressed in grey. She showed me a place where there were ghost aeroplanes. They were all from the 2nd World War and had been shot down. It was a creepy sight seeing them hanging motionless in the still cave air. I wondered who or what was inside them.

It felt like every action has a result, not always obvious. But somewhere exists where these results can be seen and felt by someone.

Sunday, 29 April 2007

Colour of the Wind

I was on a castle with Annerike. She showed me a different way of looking at things. We started with the wind that was strongly blowing. Then, like a picture coming into focus, we could see the wind as coloured arrows. It was incredible, but the painting shows only a shadow of the dream images.

Perhaps everything can be seen in a different way and we (me especially) are trapped in concensus reality. Can it be changed? What is reality anyway, is it what we choose to believe, and there is more than just me agreeing on a particular perception? The dream was real to us both, but then, it was a dream, what do you expect?

If I can see the wind as coloured arrows it could be argued that I am either mentally ill or enlightened. I know where the truth lies.

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Fares please

This was a dream in which I was invited into a brothel by two punk fairy women. They were quite entrancing but I did not accept their offer. Probably because of the presence of my son and his mother, although not sure that I would have anyway.

We had been standing outside my car admiring a double decker bus that was on top of a ruined castle. Pondering how it got there and where it would go to.

The unknown bus ride, symbolising perhaps all those decisions not taken.

Friday, 27 April 2007

Moving On

This was about a dream in which my youngest son had died. I tried to wave to him but he couldn't see me. His older brother sent part of his spirit into the box to speak to him, which he did using a oddly shaped bit of apparatus that lay on a table between them. Bit of a weird and sombre dream.

However it came to mind after a dream fragment last night in which I felt an incredible separation from him. In practical terms he now stays with his mother and is starting off into a media world I know very little about. Where does he go at night, who are his friends, etc?

That's part of being a parent I guess, now just got to decide what I will do when I grow up.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Eta Carina

So, a new earth like planet has been discovered. What difference could it make to anybody? Interesting for sure and allows speculation around life forms and the limitations of space travel.
Travelling at the speed of light the USS Enterprise would take 20 years and 6 months to arrive there from Earth. A lot of episodes could be packed into that time. Bit boring though.
Not if you are me however! I have the capability of reaching far star systems in my dreams. This dream was about a visit to the star Eta Carina which is around 7,500 light years from Scotland. In the dream it was a double star but Eta Carinae (η Carinae or η Car) is a highly luminous hypergiant star. Estimates of its mass range from 100–150 times the mass of the Sun, and its luminosity is about four million times that of the Sun.
Anyway I am awaiting confirmation hourly that it is in fact a double star. Bookings for interstellar travel will then be taken. In certain circumstances however it will be necessary for applicants to sleep with me to get the full cosmic experience.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Last Days of Steam

Dreamt that a steam engine clanked along the railway line at the bottom of my garden. Symbol of a bygone age, when Elvis was King and I watched all his films wearing my red nylon jacket. Drove down to the cinema in my Morris Minor, soon to be upgraded to a Hillman Minx, but it was rubbish compared to the Morris. Then a wee green Mini van, excellent vehicle but puddles stopped it in its tracks. Next came a VW Beetle, first registered in Baghdad, still with sand beneath the mats. Driving with this at night was a nightmare with its 6 volt lighting cutting a beam of light up to 12 feet ahead. Many mistakes and successes followed but I never got a steam engine.

Monday, 23 April 2007

The Perfect Storm

I have always had difficulty with 'self growth' groups. This dream was about such a group which took place on a pier stretching out from the safety of land into a wild sea. There was seven women and myself, led by another male, fairly typical odds.

Within the group, passions, jealousies, boundary issues, unacknowledged problems and anger seethed. The key word being unacknowledged. The leader, conscious of his power and fee, continued keeping the group in that same place. After all, the more problems his 'clients' had, the longer the group would last, his own stuff paling into insignificance.

A storm brewed, the tension became unbearable, warnings were sent out and ignored. A collapse or destruction was imminent. I could stand it no longer, I jumped ship, women and children first, my ass.

Perhaps all very cynical but not totally unlikely.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

The Winged Horse

To continue the wild horse theme, this was a dream about a winged horse which appeared out of the sea and removed a pistol from my hand. The horse then threw the gun into the water, flew off and returned to the sea.

I had been in a rowing boat with my youngest son and his mother. Why did I have the gun? Whom, if anyone, was I going to shoot? What about the other person in the distance, who was that? Who or what was Pegasus?

This seemed like an important dream, symbolising some real event, either in the present or as a possible future. Waiting and wondering . . .

Saturday, 21 April 2007

A Dream of Wild Horses

I went into a cafe to buy a wild horse. The owner, who admitted to having 30 of them in stock, asked if I had 15 minutes to explain why I wanted one and a bit about myself. I started to talk about my history and interests and remembered that the horse was not for me but for a friend. He nodded sagely as if he had got to the truth. I then explained that I had met this woman on the street outside and she had asked me for a wild horse. It was a sufficiently unusual first line that I immediately said I would try to obtain one. But why go into a cafe?
Searching now like fury for connections and wild horse metaphors.
Several occur around dating, riding, freedom, energy, and wild women.
But, not sure. . .

Friday, 20 April 2007


I lived in a village of tents. It was raining. Miserable. A bus arrived to take Callum diving with a lot of his cronies. I watched him go and realised I was wearing his diving gloves, I ran after the bus to hand them over. The bus headed for the boating pond on the south side of Perth, which is fully 2 feet deep. Excellent diving no doubt.

Rain was continuous, I crossed the Queens Bridge over the Tay, having to wade through 3 feet of turbulent brown water that was surging over the roadway. Down a steep hill to the boating pond. Nothing but water as far as the eye could see, the Flood was upon us.

Still, I would be ok, I was wearing a pair of diving gloves.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Box World

Last night dreamt that people were square or oblong boxes, each around a metre high although some a lot less, with bits on the side that interlocked with each other. Almost like a jigsaw. People came singly, in pairs or little groups. All depended if they fitted together. Also the pattern or profile that they made was important. Seemed like a quest to get the interlocking and pattern right. Some were different colours although coundn't get a sense of what that was about. Not sure how or if they moved around.
We will all eventually go into a box of some sorts. Some are in boxes already and others like to put you and me into boxes. Force fitting not allowed. Wonder if I will find the box to fit mine? Maybe already have.
I probably need some therapy.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Driving on water

This dream was about being ushered onto a phantom bridge leading to the Western Isles by a man who was a level crossing. Never been quite sure about this dream or what it may have been about. Driving across such a bridge would certainly be an exercise in trust. I know the level crossing man didn't wish us to use the ferry that was quietly standing by, awaiting trade. Perhaps a premonition of the new Skye bridge and he was from the old Scottish Office.
On the other hand a visit to the Western Isles is long overdue, soon to be remedied by a trip to Mull and Iona, no reinforced concrete across the Firth of Lorne.
I see that I have upgraded to a green Mk2 Jaguar, hopefully a 3.4 or even a 3.8, excellent.
Hope they float.

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Lucid Dreaming

This was a dream I had at my previous house. In it, I was helping my dad to repair his van when we saw these weird shapes in the sky. Even in the dream they appeared unusual. This was enough for me to realise it was actually a dream. At this point I annoyingly woke up. In other similar cases the dream becomes lucid and I can do the sort of things that are normally impossible for me, eg flying, having super powers and being attractive to women (made the last one up).

Monday, 16 April 2007

The Radio Shack

Another dream of communication. This one last night was of a radio telephone in a small shed. It was the only one in the entire world. Not much point you might say, except of course that it was a direct link to God and toll free.
Needless to say there was a queue. I took my place and wondered what to say. Small talk was probably out. Endless questions passed through my head.
In the end I decided just to say, "Hello".

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Artesian Arts

This was a dream I had after attending an initial meeting for an art organisation I was involved in called Artesian. It existed to give a forum for 'upwelling art and creativity' mainly involving outsider artists, ie people like me with no training. One of its major features was a magazine, which was one of the major topics at the meeting.
In the dream I could see the people that attended the meeting through a square metal grid (i'm the white one with my back to the camera). They appeared as various shapes, governed no doubt by the impressions and feelings they engendered in me at the time. As you might guess the meeting was a bit of a nightmare. The magazine however contained some excellent stuff and survived for some time before various difficulties gradually brought it down.
The web site still exists and it seems like it might all come back to life.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Phone home

To my horror I discovered a big hole in the middle of my mobile phone screen. This happened when I tried to phone my mother, who has been dead for many years. She would keep me right.
Still, every cloud has a silver lining, it meant that I could go and buy another phone.
Phones never last very long with me, either drop them down the toilet, they just stop working or I accidentally lay them on the hot plate of the stove. And of course the hole in the screen syndrome.
Buying another phone is always great fun, not quite the highlight of my year, but you get the picture. What type, colour, folding, sliding, big screen, little screen (my one had two), quadband, bluetooth etc etc. Every boy's toy.
And of course its got to be able to talk to the Other Side.

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Serious Stuff (not the Evostik product)

This was a dream entitled 'The park keeper said that they were unknown to science'. 'They' being some type of crustaceans that I had caught in a bucket. The shape of the pool mirrors their own. They were wanting to return to somewhere they knew as home. Is that what I am doing now? Preparing to return? Not to death but to more than life. I know I want to be fulfilled, but don't want to just fill my time up. Choosing what I do now seems really important
Unknown to science may mean unknown to me, which is pretty much everything, or perhaps I have just forgotten the important stuff.
When I sit on that park bench at the end of my life, looking back, I want no regrets and that means . . .

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Battle at the Bingo Bar

Last night went to a bingo meeting with a strange woman (that would be a first). Before going in I ordered a rum and blackcurrant at the bar. The woman had her own drink. Another man pushed in front of me and a scuffle developed. This guy was quite a handful, forearms like Popeye. During the scuffle my drink appeared but it was green. I started arguing with the barman, saying it should be a dark red colour. I was then battling on two fronts and behind on points. Everything was upset, the drinks, the bar, people around me, I awoke in my anguish.
Talk about internal conflicts, jealousies, stop and go colours etc.

Monday, 9 April 2007

Micro boring arteries

This dream was about drinking incredible tasting toffee out of clear plastic sachets. After I finished each one I let the empty packet drift up into the sky in a most environmentally unfriendly way. Looked good though, watching them disappearing into space. Must have been during one of my healthy eating periods.
Yesterday was another day of spartan eating, nothing but easter eggs.

Saturday, 7 April 2007

Ads by Google

Weird dream last night. Images were coming into my head one after another. As soon as the image appeared, the Google crawler or whatever it is, picked up the image and selected an appropriate advert, which immediately appeared on my blog. The images appeared one after the other along with the advert, almost too fast to see, reducing the point of it all. One of the images I remember was of a Fire Engine racing along the road. The advert that flicked onto my blog was one for Coke. The rather tenuous connection was when Homer Simpson got his hand stuck in a soft drinks machine. The emergency crew that attended worked for some time to free his hand only to discover that Homer was simply refusing to let go of the can.
Maybe a sign to give up the blog, Google has now crawled into my head.

Friday, 6 April 2007

Of gay men, a walrus, dogs and seals.

This painting was entitled:-
"Was I jealous of the amorous attack by the walrus on my friend?"
Probably at the time I was exploring any homophobia or bi-sexuality in my psyche. Jury still out on that one.

Last night I was at a big seaside party. The dogs, Max and Emma were swimming in the sea. I was busy building things from driftwood. Two seals arrived and started playing with the dogs out at sea. The dogs were getting jumped over and splashed relentlessly. Also the dogs were being stared out by the seals and were barking insults or compliments at each other, not sure which.
The party ended and I had to rush to sweep the sawdust I had created off the beach. Pointless or what?

Thursday, 5 April 2007

A dream of fresh fish.

I thought I would increase my chances of living a bit longer. So, decided to have two fresh mackerel for my tea. Wonder how much longer you get, an hour for each fish? Anyway, cleaned them, wrapped them in foil and put them on a baking tray in the oven for 30 mins at 180 C. Lit a candle on my table and awaited the ping from the timer. Soon I was sat with them on my plate and they looked delicious. Stuck a fork in mackerel number one and was about to cut my first little slice when they both started to flap madly around. I fell backwards from fright. They were now off the plate and into my salt and pepper. I was really shaken and the old heart was hammering. Never mind living longer, that could have been IT.
Another 10 minutes in the oven next time.

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Star Patterns

This dream was about a month after my dad died. I was out looking for him in a strange city at night. Looks like I had my red Datsun at that time. Searching for him for ages, then looked up into the sky. We could see lines joining up the various star constellations. Just like in an astronomy book. The patterns were really striking. I could even recognise some of them, Andromeda, Cassiopeia and Orion. No trace of Dad though.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007


Another from the archives. Its from the period when I was interested in Process Oriented Psychology.
Only thing I remember from this dream was that I arrived in a weird place (the process state)through a fenceless gate, clutching a coil of rope, and was confronted by two of the main seminar leaders. They demanded to know how I had got their without going through the long and very expensive training. I said I had used the length of rope to circumvent their whole selection and training process. They were well annoyed, and I was very pleased.

These seminars and others like them changed my life and those around me, big time. "If only you had not gone to those groups!" still rings in my head, from one of the 'injured' parties.

Monday, 2 April 2007

Cafe Tardis

In my village there is a small cafe, wonderful little place. I decided to go their with a friend for an earl grey and a cosy chat. We entered and I was astounded at the size of the place. The last time I visited there were half a dozen or so tables. Now the place was so vast and crowded that distant tables were lost in an atmospheric haze. However, all the 4 million or so customers turned to look at us. A myriad shining eyes, disconcerting. Luckily, we spotted a empty table about 100yds distant and were about to set a course when I noticed a 'Please Wait To Be Seated' sign. "No wonder," my friend said, "It would take several days for an unannounced visitor to be discovered."
Time the ego was downsized perhaps.