Dreamt that a steam engine clanked along the railway line at the bottom of my garden. Symbol of a bygone age, when Elvis was King and I watched all his films wearing my red nylon jacket. Drove down to the cinema in my Morris Minor, soon to be upgraded to a Hillman Minx, but it was rubbish compared to the Morris. Then a wee green Mini van, excellent vehicle but puddles stopped it in its tracks. Next came a VW Beetle, first registered in Baghdad, still with sand beneath the mats. Driving with this at night was a nightmare with its 6 volt lighting cutting a beam of light up to 12 feet ahead. Many mistakes and successes followed but I never got a steam engine.
I'm not sure where dreams end and reality begins on this one, What time's the next train anyway?
Lines were always fuzzy between my worlds.
One thing about the Last Train of the day, it always arrives for everyone.
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