This was a dream entitled 'The park keeper said that they were unknown to science'. 'They' being some type of crustaceans that I had caught in a bucket. The shape of the pool mirrors their own. They were wanting to return to somewhere they knew as home. Is that what I am doing now? Preparing to return? Not to death but to more than life. I know I want to be fulfilled, but don't want to just fill my time up. Choosing what I do now seems really important
Unknown to science may mean unknown to me, which is pretty much everything, or perhaps I have just forgotten the important stuff.
When I sit on that park bench at the end of my life, looking back, I want no regrets and that means . . .
"..Getting rid of the television, having nothing more to do with women and getting a nice little part-time job at somewhere like Tesco collecting the trolleys or such like."
I will if you will.
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