I have always had difficulty with 'self growth' groups. This dream was about such a group which took place on a pier stretching out from the safety of land into a wild sea. There was seven women and myself, led by another male, fairly typical odds.
Within the group, passions, jealousies, boundary issues, unacknowledged problems and anger seethed. The key word being unacknowledged. The leader, conscious of his power and fee, continued keeping the group in that same place. After all, the more problems his 'clients' had, the longer the group would last, his own stuff paling into insignificance.
A storm brewed, the tension became unbearable, warnings were sent out and ignored. A collapse or destruction was imminent. I could stand it no longer, I jumped ship, women and children first, my ass.
Perhaps all very cynical but not totally unlikely.
"A storm brewed, the tension became unbearable..."
You should have had an orgy. That's a good tension reliever.
"When the going gets tough - the tough... jump ship?'
Orgy seems so obvious in retrospect.
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