This was a dream in which I met Death. He is a figure I have met from time to time in my dreams. This time he stood in front of me and said "If you don't really live, I will kill you".
"It's easily done", he continued, "I just put one of these brushes at your feet and another at your head, and down you go". I obediently started to fall, all life beginning to drain from me. "However", he continued, removing the brushes, "It's no fun killing anyone that's not really alive, so go on and get a life, really live, and then I will kill you". "Actually that last bit was a joke", he said, "You will get enough time".
So, here I am, wondering how to really live. Not so easy as it sounds. Hope he thinks I am making the effort.
ps not a brush to be seen in my house.
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