Tuesday, 15 May 2007

The Real Me?

I was with Morgan Freeman, who was a hit man. He shot this old bloke outside his house, but not before the old guy had got off a few shots at him, killing our hero, Morgan. The old guy lay injured and I went over to finish him off. His family suddenly appeared, one phoned for an ambulance, a couple of fit blokes chased me. In the melee I dropped my gun and ran into their barn. They chased me round and round whilst I hunted for my gun.
Suddenly I realised they were the good guys and I was a bad guy. In a film everyone would cheer them on, hoping they got me before I found my gun.
Not liking this new role, I gave myself up, spoiling the whole film probably.


The Editor said...

When good people do bad things?
or is it when bad people do good things?

or maybe people who are neither one thing or the other, on occasion lose the plot and find them selves in court?

The Snoring Man said...

That seems about right.
Wonder what jail dreams would be like. Will let you know visiting times.