An unusual dream this one. It was about how everything and everybody is interconnected. Not sure if I managed to get it across. I dreamt that I was holding my heart as I was sitting in a wheelchair. Probably about me having responsibility for my health and any outcome. At the same time I was aware of my Dad in our old house with Max the dog. I had been looking after my Dad, who had dementia. He had been looking after Max and at the same time my three children were having to be looked after by me, themselves and K. (with different degrees of success). All this in a background of floods of interconnected emotion within the house and the neverending patterns in the sky, which gave some constancy. Orion was the pattern in the dream, with a close up of the Nebula.
The Orion routes on Ben Nevis are an example of how individual rock/ice climbs are all connected to an overall pattern, and is probably why it crept into the dream. These routes were an unfullfilled ambition of mine.
Always good to leave something for another day.
1 comment:
Dementia Rules - Ya Bas!
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