Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Class of 40+
Monday, 28 May 2007
The Casualty

This was a dream about being in hospital with serious injuries to my face and armpits. Nurses came with a blanket to cover me up. But, as I was already covered in blood, they used a blanket that had been pre stained, as it were, by another patient. This procedure was watched with approval by a team of 5 doctors/administrators, their only involvement.
In actual fact the NHS have been very good to me in the main, apart from a couple of early traumas, in which my only thoughts are (almost) that the staff involved have moved on in one way or another. I still enter the hospital with a certain trepidation, in addition to any life threatening injuries/illnesses I may currently possess.
Sunday, 27 May 2007
I want to go home.
May be connected to seeing a weird car accident in a supermarket car park the other day which required all three emergency services to tidy it up for other shoppers.
Saturday, 26 May 2007
Safeways to Morrisons.

The final painting in the 'arid land' trilogy. I emerged from the Land Of Death into Safeways with my fellow travellers. Of course, this would now be Morrisons, such is progress into the Future.
The keen eyed will of course recognise the cliffs of Ben Nevis as being the last bastion of the Land of Death. Too true probably.
So, according to my dream world I am now back in the land of the living and commerce. Hooray.
All I have to do now is Live. Should be easy enough you would think. Here goes.
Friday, 25 May 2007
Land of the Dead and The Tunnel

To follow the story of my dream of my house in a strange arid land, the next episode was about climbing up a steep slope which had numerous water obstacles at an unnatural angle. I was aware I was on a land of the dead. Others were around me, like fellow travellers. I think we were looking for 'a way out.' Perhaps this is where I went when I was dead for two minutes following my heart attack.
Last night's dream was about following a familiar woman along a railway track through a tunnel, hoping no trains were due. The woman was in front as we approached the tunnel exit. A huge roar and a train approached towards us at high speed. Familiar woman leapt with unexpected vigour out of the tunnel and down to the right. I followed almost as fast and we landed in a heap. The train roared by on another track altogether. All that effort for nothing, or perhaps not. An obvious sexual theme but more to it I'm sure.
Thursday, 24 May 2007
A well oiled Sunday.
I was given the job of taking the collection with some sort of machine. First of all I took a tour round the congregation to plot a route and take a rough audit of numbers. Several people asked me to sit beside them, popular guy.
I went out to the door again and sprayed the collection machinery with WD 40 to ease its operation. This mild act of preparation caused the entire contraption to fly apart. Shouts of "Be quiet!" came to me as the Minister entered to begin the service. I was surrounded by springs, cogs and a rolling tin of lubricant.
No longer popular I had to confess to all that I had brought the Church to ruin, no more money could be collected.
The shame of it.
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Porridge Forever
Someplace, that will be actually happening.
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Life on Mars

This was a dream about my real house in a strange arid land, but surrounded by familiar hills.
It seemed to be in the same place where I was at any time, only not normally visible.
Two of my children were present and running around.
I had an ongoing life, much the same as this one.
This was going on all concurrently with my life at the moment.
What's it all about?
Monday, 21 May 2007
Parrot Talk
I woke up, but thinking, what if I had asked . . . . ?
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Boy Racer
Its hard getting past that age group when you are trying to proove yourself and find your way in the world, totally unscathed.
Saturday, 19 May 2007
The Bus Driver
I was unsure of my first route and so merely followed the bus stops, thought I couldn't go wrong. I cruised into a docks area, with my infallible plan.
The harbour developed into a pier.
Alas, what I thought was another bus stop was the mast of a schooner alongside the harbour wall.
By this time I was commited to driving along the pier, reversing had not been covered in the training, perhaps I was off that day.
The end of the pier duly arrived, I checked over my shoulder and noted that I had a full compliment of passengers.
So, a three point turn it had to be, perhaps more, as the pier was much the same width as the bus.
Luckily for all fare paying passengers I woke up at that point.
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Coloured Feelings

Another from the archives. When I sleep really deeply, perhaps accessing another part of the dreaming man, I often experience a different sort of awareness.
The dream that prompted the painting was when all the emotions and feelings that I was having, or capable of having, were visible as swirling colours deep within my psyche. These were continually moving slowly around but when one was felt its colour deepened and moved around a lot more. It was hard to label them all but I think the usual associations were present, and I seem to have a fair bit of reddish colours showing that I am a very **** guy.
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Sentient Clouds

No dream last night so another from the archives. I was looking up into the sky and I saw these sentient clouds. They looked a bit like spermatozoa or perhaps prawns. An aeroplane was flying through them but they were invincible to such penetration.
What I wrote down that morning was that there was life everywhere. Just being part of the universe ensured you were part of the incredible oneness that is Life and creation..
Not feeling quite so perky as that this morning, must have an Earl Grey.
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
The Real Me?
Suddenly I realised they were the good guys and I was a bad guy. In a film everyone would cheer them on, hoping they got me before I found my gun.
Not liking this new role, I gave myself up, spoiling the whole film probably.
Monday, 14 May 2007
Time's up.
Cars were everywhere and endless queues of people heading out of the city.
The nightmare had begun.
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Do as you are told for once.
There was nothing there. And I mean nothing, just empty space and all the air in my room rushed out to become nothing as well.
What a bummer.
ps Just remembered that there was 5 chimneys in the room and black sentient smoke was coming out of each one just before I opened the door.
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Ball of Light
Anyway, as the big spots were falling, I saw a white light drift swiftly down the hill on my left, cross the road about 100yds in front of me and continued down towards the river. It looked egg shaped and roughly the size of a car wheel. The area was all fields. I lost sight of it as I reached the spot it had crossed the road.
Was it ball lighting, a ghost, or did I fall asleep at the wheel and like all the exciting things in my life, just a dream?
Helter Skelter
My mum and dad would wonder where I had got to. Where's he gone now? He's a very naughty boy.
Woke up feeling quite dizzy.
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Mix 'n' Match dream

This dream was so weird with so many different and apparently unrelated elements that it may suffice for me to mention the caption that I wrote at the time.
"I prepare to take Kirsty to London for 'Process Dream Queen' in a steam engine, while Martians prepare to invade, naked police lie under a pink blanket, Sue flees the scene of a road accident involving police, and the 3rd car totally disappears."
Maybe it just reflects the rubbish that I keep in my psyche.
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
The Bus Trip
I was pleased that I got the right bus just as I was absurdly pleased in reality the other night when I caught the 7.15pm, number 22 bus, from Menzieshill, Dundee, to the West Port, on my own, and without incident.
Monday, 7 May 2007
Red Spot

This was a dream of the great Red Spot on Jupiter. Got really close up in my virtual, astral, non existent space suit.
Jupiter rises around midnight in the South East but keeps fairly low in the Southern sky. Venus, the really bright one is visible all evening in the West and will get even brighter this month as it gets closer. Mercury is behind the sun at the moment but around mid May it will be visible in the North West after sunset. Saturn is in Leo and is high in the sky as the sun goes down and it will set around 1am. Mars is not really visible at the moment sitting low down in the South East around dawn.
Saturday, 5 May 2007
He insisted and disappeared into the tunnels to set the traps.
Needless to say I never saw him again.
Friday, 4 May 2007
Future Success

This was a dream of a panic move to the North. My worldly baggage was being loaded onto a steam train which was panting impatiently at the platform. Something had gone wrong with my life and I was getting out. Perhaps my nostalgia for the past had got in the way yet again. At least I was not leaving my baggage behind.
This dream was of course from the archives and I am now in that dream future. All my baggage has been resolved and my life in the North is now a success in all departments. Excellent relationship, new shiny car and a detached house completely renovated with all mod cons. As some of my readers may know my grasp of reality remains tenuous.
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Brush with Death

This was a dream in which I met Death. He is a figure I have met from time to time in my dreams. This time he stood in front of me and said "If you don't really live, I will kill you".
"It's easily done", he continued, "I just put one of these brushes at your feet and another at your head, and down you go". I obediently started to fall, all life beginning to drain from me. "However", he continued, removing the brushes, "It's no fun killing anyone that's not really alive, so go on and get a life, really live, and then I will kill you". "Actually that last bit was a joke", he said, "You will get enough time".
So, here I am, wondering how to really live. Not so easy as it sounds. Hope he thinks I am making the effort.
ps not a brush to be seen in my house.
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
The Forgotten BBQ
Going to be repairing my wall alongside the road or river today, whatever.
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
Dreams within dreams
Next morning looked outside, I had been staying on the ground floor of a white walled cottage at an island B & B. The other men had melted away. The sun shone like it had been shining forever. The colours of the sky, trees and sea were incredibly clear. A slight warm breeze. Looked like some sort of paradise. A dream within a dream.
Sue and Alison then appeared walking up a road from the past, two people I had never seen in the same frame.
They were really polite to me, not quite a first, but unusual.
Then I woke up, reality, and today it didn't feel so good. The sun was shining as usual, but it seemed like a joke.
Odd little overlap see http://dailyarse.blogspot.com/