Sunday, 30 December 2007
The Third Tray
I walked towards where I thought it was but C said I was going the wrong way. By the time we orientated ourselves, everything was cold so we returned for more.
Our next approach was successful as far as direction, but we were prevented from achieving our goal by a green, ghostly JCB digger which would not let us pass.
We returned for yet another tray of food and coffee and got as far as the door to the university but I woke up as we crossed the threshold.
Saturday, 29 December 2007
Fawlty Towers
I decided to check for fire escapes as we were on the top floor.
I circled the top landing, passing an ongoing, noisy, ball in a big room.
I seemed to circle lower as I circumnavigated the top floor.
Eventually I found myself on a rocky beach outside big pillars which supported the hotel. No problem with a fire escape I thought, although where our room was in relation to where I was, I had no idea.
So I returned, Found my son and sat at a dining table for a meal.
The table and floor sloped alarmingly but we persevered.
Sid James and his mother came and sat at our table. Should be fun.
The waiter arrived and threw food at all the tables for people to catch as they chose.
A rough and unexpected procedure.
Luckily I caught a cup of Earl Grey tea and placed it in front of me.
It promptly slid onto Sid James lap and his mother and I tried to dry it off with pre caught napkins.
At another table sat John Cleese and when he saw the Earl Grey/Sid James caper he promptly jumped up and photographed the scene.
The evening promised well.
Thursday, 27 December 2007
Sky World
Instead of the usual blue sky and clouds there were land masses and oceans staring down from on high.
It was difficult to judge the height above but several hundred miles probably.
I wondered about gravity and if it worked, as it must have done, to hold people and water onto the surface. Who were the people up there?
Was there a sort of giant letterbox shaped hole scooped out of the Earth?
If so, I would just be looking at the underside of it.
So, there must be a vertical bit, further in, joining the two bits up, like the inside edge of the letterbox.
If that was the case, I should be able to walk up the vertical bit, to the other bit in the sky.
Obviously there was a lot about the world I did not understand.
Sometimes I think I am mad.
Monday, 24 December 2007
Motorcycling Accident
It was pretty grim. A motorcyclist lying beside his machine with his left leg some distance away.
I got him and the leg into the ambulance after trying to stop the bleeding and gave him pain killers.
Then I went for my lunch.
After an hour or so I remembered him and drove madly to the hospital, hoping he would be ok.
But the hospital was shut, in fact abandoned for a number of years.
I remembered a new one had been built just around the corner.
I radioed ahead that a one legged motorcyclist was about to arrive.
'Another one!', was the slightly confusing reply.
I pulled up at the front door to be met with an efficient welcoming team.
They opened the ambulance doors and were puzzled at the empty space where I thought I had safely stowed the casualty.
An explanation was obviously due which, unsurprisingly, I was not able to give.
Sunday, 23 December 2007
First Contact
Anyway I was sitting in the front room having a bit of quality time with a piece of toast when I heard a struggle in the hallway.
I ran out to check and found the 'other man' struggling with an alien creature.
Another alien was nearby and made towards me.
They were grey in colour and had sort of a featureless face. But they did possess a mouth which was full of teeth.
My friend was being strangled.
First contact in our hallway.
I kicked out at the strangler and was grabbed by alien number two.
The minister appeared, sort of a divine intervention.
But no, he was reduced to crying out 'Good Lord!'
I shouted for him to call for help.
He asked who he should phone.
Anyone I answered, SWAT Team, fire brigade, just ANYONE!
I started to lose consciousness and wake up.
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Smoke Alarm
I thought of buying the house for a while but never got round to it.
Eventually someone else bought it and my chance was gone.
A few weeks after they moved in, I could smell smoke in my flat.
It seemed to be coming from the walls.
I phoned the fire brigade and out they came, led by Donald the Firefighter.
They started to pull apart the walls.
On a hunch, I went down into the basement and found another underground house extending from the old house next door.
An old woman lived there and the place was full of old furniture, herbs and magical potions.
She had a good going fire lit, the smoke from which found its way up into the flats.
Somehow I wished I had lived there. The place seemed not in this world.
I went upstairs to tell Donald to stop pulling down my walls.
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Last night I had a dream that I noticed the same rabbits hopping around outside.
I went out to see them and they seemed to grow larger.
Alas, it was an illusion, I was growing smaller.
When I reached them they were the same size as myself.
Feeling a bit more vulnerable than usual, I was glad the dog was still in the house.
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Royal Encounter
I saw a woman approach, and to my astonishment I realised it was Queen Elizabeth with a royal Corgi on a lead.
Our two dogs met and went through the usual intimate canine introductions.
I thought I would restrict my greeting to a kiss on the Royal cheeks.
Alas I was not acquaint with the proper back stepping footwork that should accompany such a greeting. However she kept me right with a few curt instructions.
We departed somewhat amiably.
Of course the Queen should not be touched at all (should you ever encounter the same situation).
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
A Rubbish Mobile
Anyway, returning the coins to one pocket only, I felt I had 'tidied' myself up considerably.
The bus arrived at my destination and I disembarked clutching the detritus in one hand.
I then chucked it all into a rubbish bin in a graceful arc.
To my intense surprise the stuff seemed to catch onto the lamp post holding the bin and all join together to form an incredibly beautiful and tinkling, suspended mobile.
I carefully took it from above the bin and carried it off.
Christmas, sorted.
Monday, 10 December 2007
The Cave
'Beware Of Strong Currents'
I stood on a rocky platform and wondered why the currents could be so strong. Then I looked behind and to the right. There was a deep cave in the cliffs.
It sloped down to an underground river far below. Geologically unlikely.
I moved closer to the cave, I could hear the river roaring, it seemed to echo inside my head.
So when the tide rose, water would pour down into the cave, together with any unfortunate paddler or swimmer.
Suitably equipped, that could be an adventure and save years of therapy delving into the subconscious.
Saturday, 8 December 2007
A Christmas Meal
I was queueing for a Christmas meal in a giant canteen. When my turn came I had to cut my own bit of roast beef. I started to cut but found it was raw. Others behind urged me to cut a bit for them as well. Feeling a bit queasy I just cut my own and got some vegetables as well and headed towards the tables. There were hundreds of tables and people were seated in groups. I found a space and put my plate down and went to look for cutlery. When I returned my plate had disappeared. I looked around and was met by laughter from people around my place. I started to tip the tables in a rage but they were too heavy so I stalked off looking for a dessert.
The drinks and desserts were in huge glass vats full of coloured liquid.
I just wanted a Coke.
Not finding any I scooped a plate of pink liquid.
It was full of wriggling creatures.
Feeling even more queasy I decided that the meal idea had to be abandoned.
Friday, 7 December 2007
Lower Case Mountain
Anyway I was with two American climbers and we climbed onto the top of several packing cases, total height of around two metres. The view was stunning and we seemed to be on top of the world.
After a hair raising descent we tucked into beer and porridge. I ate loads until I could simply eat no more.
What was very noticeable was waking up a few minutes later very hungry.
Time for breakfast.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
An Unlikely Scenario
The engineer had a thing that looked like a giant coil type tape measure but made of heavy gauge steel. He flicked it and a steel tape came zooming out and cracked against a bit of the cliff face. The rock cracked and a large chunk fell into the sea.
I stepped back as he systematically destroyed the cliff.I asked him what he was doing and he said he was going to build houses on this part of the sea.
Feeling somewhat disturbed I went over to stand by Wullie, an old pal from my Shetland days. He pointed out two small fishing boats that were over some excellent haddock ground.
He wistfully wished he were out there with them.
Because one day it would all be covered by houses.
But no, one day the excellent haddock ground will cover us all up instead.
Monday, 3 December 2007
Stairs Into Time
I simply had to walk down a staircase and every step corresponded to about a year.
Adjacent to each step stood people I had known during those years.
I remember reaching a particular step and I met a sea faring guy called Tom who I knew around 30 years ago, he had not changed a bit.
I met him more recently digging his garden in his underpants.
An excellent fellow.
Should perhaps have made more use of the stairs whilst I had a chance.
Sunday, 2 December 2007
Holiday Red Tape
It was not just me that had to undergo such an ordeal and indignity, everyone had to hand over their beloved toys.
So, on return from Butlins or wherever I had been, I joined an orderly queue at the 'Toy Return' section.
When my turn came I handed over my receipt and the toys slowly reappeared. Slowly, as only one woman was on duty for the entire UK.
How could I be sure that the ones I got back were mine as all toys were kept with their peers, eg drums were kept in the drum section etc?
I began to panic, some were possibly different from those I had handed over.
Then order broke down. People got agitated that I was taking too long.
A scuffle ensued.
Punches were exchanged.
Chaos broke out.
With my back to my dubious toys I defended my position.
I had taken on too much, me against the entire toy toting population of the country.
Defeat was inevitable and so I had to wake up.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Another Early Night
We (though can't remember who 'we' was) entered the site and found our beds among the thousands visible.
All the beds were set out in rows in a huge field and covered by a massive canvas roof which flapped dismally.
Something like an overgrown field hospital I imagine.
That was it, nothing else. No fun fairs, no restaurant, no discos or whatever these places had.
Fine if you liked staying in your bed all day.
Something I am working up to.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Green Ghosts
A slightly luminous and ghostly figure appeared in front of us and asked if we wanted some target practice.
I was too shocked to say anything but C replied that we would give it a go.
The figure led us downhill, still in the wood lined corridor into a huge hall.
We walked along an earthy ridge into the middle of the hall.
The hall was lit with an eerie green light and the massive unsupported ceiling sagged downwards in a threatening manner.
It felt that we were far below ground in a place unvisited by humans.
All round the hall, walking and floating were numerous green ghosts.
We were given a gun each and told to shoot at the ghostly figures.
We did this but to no effect. The ghosts only give a grim laugh and went about their business.
Ghosts cannot be simply shot down, they obviously require a different approach.
Therapy beckons.
Monday, 26 November 2007
Broken Sleep
No sudden movements, need I say more?
Thursday, 22 November 2007
Snow Right
But not white. Mostly white but with a lot of green and red flakes.
Made the world look like one of those McFlurry things.
And it was really cold. Fine if looking out of a warm house or wearing a survival suit.
But everyone was in their underwear and had to build their own shelter from the snow.
Some had fared better than others, and me.
One guy had an igloo thing already well underway. He was sitting inside having a tea break and playing poker.
I would have to get a move on.
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Unusual Flight from Egypt.
I arrived at the airport of Sharm el Sheikh and boarded the aeroplane.
My friend was a bit late and I had arranged to meet her on board.
However I noticed something odd about the aircraft. It seemed to comprise the entire terminal building.
We started to take off. I was concerned not only about the immense size of the aeroplane but that my friend had not yet boarded.
Nothing to worry about though as she had been in the airport terminal and soon made her way to her booked seat.
The flight was surprisingly uneventful and I realised that I obviously knew nothing of modern aviation.
My friend, who seemed to be a mixture of several people, laughed and joked with others around her.
We left the aircraft in the company of another couple who seemed to be aware of some future adventure about which I knew nothing.
I was left to guess.
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
All at Sea
We had been told to board her on the river Tay in Scotland.We had been issued with a magnetic mine between us, in case we ran into enemy shipping en route. Only problem was it was quite heavy.
Another problem occurred to us in that we didn't know who the enemy might be. Russia was probably not an enemy and we were pretty sure that the Taliban or Al-Qaeda didn't have a navy. So, we would have to play it by ear.
Anyway the main problem was finding the aircraft carrier. Obvious place was the harbour, no trace. We looked inland. Perth and Dundee seemed to have fused into one, an unlikely and unhappy merger.
We searched the areas of Urban Unrest such as Letham, Lochee, Muirton and Menzieshill. No Enterprise, nor any enemy shipping.
Then we saw a huge white ship churning its way up into Oakbank, quite a well heeled area. Trouble can errupt anywhere it seems.
We set off to board it, remembering not to attach the mine.
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Quality Time With The Children
We went outside and I noted that my 1yr old had found some stilts which brought him up to his big brothers height.
We walked towards a sweet shop and 1o yr old son bought some chocolate. I stood behind him in the queue and was helping the shop owner to clear out broken glass from his shop display.
I turned to buy some more chocolate and found that it had all disappeared, to the dismay of my 1yr old.
We went outside and started to walk home. It had heavily snowed in our time in the sweet shop.
Suddenly lightning struck the grassy path in front of us. Not just one bolt but continuous and multi pronged lightning.
Another salvo burst closer to our position. Another behind. It totally destroyed anything it struck.
We ran back towards shelter in the sweet shop. But it had dissolved and had disappeared like a fading dream.
As of course it all was.
Small Girls
Anyway I was with a group of men outside in the dark. We were being entertained by a group of 6 inch high, female escorts. They were real and not just dolls.
The cry went out that we needed some more. Not sure what had happened to the others or even what the interaction between us had been. My imagination fails.
I was detailed to obtain the additional girls and went into our dormitory to find some. I searched through some of the lads drawers but could not find any.
Another man entered and I asked him if he had any. He immediately went into his room and came out clutching around six of these rather exquisite little creatures. He asked if they would do and I said that they would do nicely.
I was further annoyed by waking up at this point.
Thursday, 15 November 2007
Ice Fall
It started off with a straightforward 50 degree snow slope. Roped up this time and wearing a black crash helmet.
I reached a small ice cave which oddly enough could also be reached by a subterranean stone staircase. I then switched over to a red crash helmet.
From the ice cave I led up a narrow gully, which consisted of 80 degree ice.
The ice was a bit rotten but I could lay back up the more solid left edge.
I had run out around 100' of rope when I fell off.
I remember wondering how best to land.
Feet first, head first?
I couldn't decide so woke up instead.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
A very low ebb.
Myself and three others decided to walk along beneath the sea wall, feeling like ants.
As the harbour wall approached it towered enormously above our heads. We peered underneath a jetty, it was cavernous and very dark. Ocean going liners departed from this spot.
We walked towards a slipway, green with seaweed, and decided to walk up to its top.
At the top we sat down and wondered what had happened to the sea.
One of the others then got out, rather incongruently, his wedding photos and asked me to look through them.
They were in a weird sort of sepia colour and looked ancient even though the wedding took place just a few weeks ago.
Something else to ponder.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Climbing Through History
Not your usual ice fall though. Seemed to be a frozen vertical rubbish dump.
Old pots and pans, bottles, biscuit wrappings and orange peel stuck out of the ice and frozen ash.
Good placements however with the picks and foot fangs, satisfying.
The crux of the ascent arrived with a slightly overhanging pile of frozen magazines.
Appropriately the magazines were old issues of Climber and Mountain.
Somehow it all fitted together.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
A New Council House
Mum and I were waiting the arrival of father who was due to arrive in his Morris Traveller with a bottle of wine to celebrate.
We looked out of the metal framed window and saw him park down the road and walk towards us.
He was looking at the house numbers as this would be his first visit.
His face fell as he saw us at looking out of the top window.
We realised at the same time that ours was the only house in the street without a roof.
More damp patches in the ceiling for sure.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Army Issues
I joined a queue for the handing out of equipment.
I was asked by the commanding officer if I wanted some 'jelly'.
I answered that I did want some, although I was a bit surprised to be handed explosives so early in my army career.
Alas, as you may have guessed, the jelly was on a plate and went wibble wobble and was raspberry flavoured.
I would have to wait a while longer, if ever, to be issued with gelignite.
Monday, 5 November 2007
That Unfinished Job
I was astounded to see that there was a hole around 10 feet square in the roof. No tiles or sarking, nothing.
It was where I did roof repairs around twenty years ago. I could not believe that I had forgotten to finish the repair, but there it was, a gaping hole from the past.
C and I then climbed onto the roof to begin repairing the repair.
The roof was now flat instead of pitched and was covered by sheets of loose hardboard and corrugated iron.
Under this flimsy covering roared swirling water of unknown depth.
I was terrified that either C or I would slip through into the torrent.
My roof repair kit consisting of some felt and sticky black stuff seemed woefully inadequate.
No wonder there was a damp patch on the ceiling.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
The Rat
I got up and saw a huge black rat run across the floor and out of the open door into the hallway.
I chased it, together with Max the ancient dog, although I think he was uncertain what the commotion was about.
The rat (genus rattus rattus) darted from cover to cover like some sort of guerilla fighter.
Eventually I cornered it behind the TV set and was set to dispatch it with a poker. Then it disappeared, completely, flicked out of existence.
Then I woke up for the second time, no scufflings, just darkness.
Friday, 2 November 2007
The Gatekeeper
At that place was a strange garden. It had purple, dark green and red vegetation, flowers were mostly a bluish white. There was small hills scattered around with overgrown paths.
I stood at the garden fence. My overnight bag was several feet into the garden and I wanted it back. Main reason was that I wanted the charger for my mobile.
There were a few insects buzzing around but nothing larger. So, I climbed over the fence and tried to lift my bag. But, it had grown into the plants or maybe the other way round.
I tugged and tugged, then became aware of something behind. I looked round and saw a huge black dog staring at me. It seemed to have a massive, raw and natural intelligence and had instantly sized me up. I had to get away and looked at the fence which seemed a million miles away instead of the few actual feet.
I tried to jump but far too late.
I awakened to see a dark figure standing over me.
A blink and it was gone.
Back in my bed, the Underworld faded to a bad memory.
Thursday, 1 November 2007
Navigation Asleep.
I can't see where we are going.
What am I meant to do? We have taken off and I am probably supposed to know where we are heading. Not even sure that I know what country we took off from. The pilot will soon turn round and ask for a bearing. To Germany, France or even Britain?
I look at my watch and am relieved that I can still tell the time.
My map is of no help, no GPS arrow to say where we are. That is my job.
With relief I wake up.
Finally, I know where I am.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
I stand still and the trees still approach but much, much slower.
All comes to him who waits.
Not true of course.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
The House Next Door.
A large group arrives including son C and his friend L. They were fresh from a long walk to see an extinct volcano. I was a bit jealous of their expedition.
It all makes me want to get some fresh air, so I wander outside and walk up a narrow lane past some houses. Out of the first house comes a man just beaming over with excitement. I watch as he enters the neighbours house with the exclamation that he is entering the best house in the world. I am intrigued and watch as several other men enter the same house with the same sentiments.
What is in that house? A brothel, a men's group, another universe, their childhood or whatever men really want?
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Iced Memories.
I led the field towards the estate, we could see it glowing white in the distance, like a distant jewel.
The team were suitably impressed as we approached. Gleaming white houses and streets. Everything pristine and new, sparkling. Elegant and smartly dressed people walked purposefully about, teeth gleaming.
I cycled towards the pièce de résistance, the white heart of the scheme.
A brilliantly white council house made of icing sugar, mmm, mouth watering . .
We all stared at the unattainable.
But then I suppose these schemes were the great white hope of the 1950's, and that's what they were like then, (in my memory anyway).
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Grand Day Out
As it was a fine day, I thought I would climb the hill anyway. The exercise and the fresh air would be good for me. The soldiers followed and at one point opened up with their weapons, soil and heather erupting all around me. I objected to their behaviour and they explained they were just aerating the dry ground.
Not really believing them I continued my climb, keeping an eye on these cowboys.
I came across a deep gully which promised a quick if exciting and steep way down.
I scrambled down but was dismayed to see that the soldiers were also descending with disconcerting expertise.
They were not happy until I reached the bottom and they wandered off towards their beloved tank. Also I had some exercise and fresh air
Job done.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Digging deep
Then another and after a bit, one more, each deeper than the previous.
I kept on digging, getting excited by now and gradually unearthing a complete set, together with a red metal box to keep them all safe.
A memory returns of losing them when I was a boy.
Balance is restored.
Friday, 19 October 2007
All at Sea
The alpha male of the group, wondered what my problem was with the water. I answered that it was not what I expected. A wooded glen turned into an ocean.
I opened the front door which led out onto a deck and saw that the cottage was in fact a paddle steamer.
I looked down into the clear water and saw that it was really deep with a particular deep bit just under the paddles of the cottage/steamship. The temptation was to dive in for a swim but the deep, menacing part under the paddles was really scary.
I called off my submersion plan and returned back into the cottage.
What was that all about I wonder?
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Pub Talk
Anyway drinks were ordered and what's more, were on the house.
I ordered a coke as I was driving.
Stunned silence.
On an occasion such as this! Outrageous.
I was made to order a proper drink to celebrate a Return From The Other Side.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Diving Down to Town
We dived down about 30 metres to a submerged town. Crystal clear water and the town just like it had been when it had been submerged.
I noted things like air pressures and times onto my pad. Probably should have remained on the surface like a proper Safety Officer.
I turned to look around at the town and then back to my fellow divers. They had all disappeared somewhere.
Then, walking along the street, came a man with a small girl. Seemed spooky as they were without diving gear. Like drowned people walking.
I tried to speak to them but they passed me by.
I was getting worried about C and the others. Air would be running out.
Then another small girl appeared wearing a blue dress and stopped to speak.
I asked her if she knew where the divers were and she replied that they were in trouble and would show me where.
I followed her to a nearby Spar shop and saw them inside. They had swum through a lobster pot type of entrance and could not get out. They were clutching bottles of beer and whisky.
I kicked the front door down allowing them to escape.
Drew asked me to note down all what had happened. Good practice he said.
I turned to thank the little girl but she was gone.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Fright Club
Too many I thought, but I would go down fighting.
I prepared to swing a tyre lever that had luckily just appeared in my hand.
But, I wondered, maybe they are vigilantes protecting the area against apparent car vandals.
No matter, the fight was on and I was knocked into wakefullness.
Friday, 12 October 2007
My New Scooter
I was heading towards Perth to do some shopping. The day was fine and it felt great to be scooting along the open road, no helmet, just sun and wind. Tescos here I come.
Deciding to go the harbour route, I did a right turn, although a turning lorry nearly knocked me from my machine.
A number of lorries and cars overtook me, my speed being pretty insignificant.
The road began to narrow and sweep round to the left. There were no turnoffs.
The road narrowed further, enough to be alarming. I slowed, and the road ended in a set of stone steps.
Where had the other traffic gone? Up the steps? Things were not right.
I picked up the scooter and climbed the stairs. A lengthy flight.
At the top was the harbour and a row of old cottages. Several steam puffers were tied up at the quay.
The people stared at my scooter, a chromium anachronism.
Out of time and place again.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
That Half Mark.
I could not be bothered to read through them all, despite the fact that doing so would greatly increase my chances of passing. I remember this sort of thing at school, just not making the effort. Taking my chances as it were.
This sort of thing resulted me in failing my 11+ exam by half a mark. Thus I was channelled into the realms of manual labour or, at a push, blue collar work.
Another half a mark and I would have been ushered into the fabulous world of the white collar lads. Or so I imagined.
Life is full of these nodes.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
The Unusual Job
Bill asked us to follow him, which we did, gradually leaving the wet streets behind.
He took us up onto a hill, which grew gradually steeper.
Near the summit was a grassy hollow, at the bottom of which lay the decomposing body of a middle aged man. Looked like a lost hillwalker. Bill's job, he told us, was to keep tabs on all the undiscovered dead bodies in Scotland. I struggled a bit with the logic of his statement, but that was soon put out of my head when he chopped off the foot of the corpse, using a large axe. Out of the body streamed columns of maggots. This was to show C. the reality of the situation. Even Bill looked a bit pale, never mind C. and myself. It all seemed a bit much.
Saturday, 6 October 2007
A new torch and a shave.
I thanked him and climbed back down by a vertical pole, scary. At the bottom I found I had to reverse the entire process to open the door to get out.
Exhausted I left clutching my new source of illumination.
Next I went into a chemist for a shave. I opened a trap door in the middle of the floor to access a tap. A black underground river surged around 60' below. I filled a plastic tub with water and managed to clutch Max as he slid towards the opening. The chemist told me to empty used shaving water on the chemist shop roof where it would run down the drainage pipes onto the ground and so into the underground river.
His place, his rules, I suppose.
Friday, 5 October 2007
Ballet Chips
On arriving at the place where the betting shop should have been I discovered it was now a fish and chip shop. Serving was my friend S. She in fact only served herself fish and chips then came out from behind the counter to speak to me.
We sat outside on a bench. I offered to massage S's feet and noted she was wearing silver ballet shoes.
These shoes had so many laces and straps that we decided it wasn't worth the effort. S then handed me a chip.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Saturday, 29 September 2007
Battle in Fife
The evening came around and we retired to some large sheds.
The Taliban leader put his men into one of the sheds, one with a large steel door.
Myself and my men stood outside our shed which was next door to theirs.
It was like putting toys back in their box at the end of the day.
I chatted to their leader who was a small, sturdily built guy with a moustache. He seemed amiable enough and banged on the steel door to keep noise from his men down, so he could hear me better. His men seemed to be making something which involved hammering sheets of armour plate.
He started to tell us of good walks in the St Andrews area. Then, without turning around, he said with the hint of exasperation associated with an irate schoolmaster,
"Brian, put that down!"
The shout was directed to one of my men who was behind him, and had idly picked up the Taliban leaders Kalashnikof rifle.
The leader then told us how the Island of Leuchars could be easily fortified, and was in fact, considering that option.
I thanked him for the information and said it was time we retired into our shed.
It had been a long and unlikely day.
Friday, 28 September 2007
Next Generation Flooring
The singular thing about the building was that it was hollow with no floors as such. People lived on balconies around the inner walls.
However floors did exist if you believed they did, but remaining invisible.
The trick was not to lose faith when half way across.
My dog, Max, ambled easily across if he so wished.
I was a lot less confident.
Sitting on a chair on my balcony I gazed down at the two gay men, on a settee, below me. No sign of Mr and Mrs C.
A movement above arrested my attention. Top flat woman had parked her 4 x 4 on her invisible flooring. She then racked up her belief system and, attaching herself to the vehicle's winch, lowered herself through all the floors towards me. I gulped a sort of 'good morning and well done' into some sort of incoherent sentence, and watched as she pressed a button on her remote control, which sent her spiralling up the way she had come.
Out of my reach . . .
The power of thought, it's all in the mind.
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Three Soles
But, I took them to a church service where each person ate a meal whilst listening to the sermon. The three soles remained uncooked and uneaten on my table. The bearded preacher eyed them up.
I then sat outside the church, on the pavement, smoking a Hoyo de Monterrey. The three soles sat in the middle of the road. A man walked over them.
I walked to a nearby sea loch, aware that the soles were not far away. I saw an ugly grey oil tanker approach under the radio control of the uniformed leader of the Burma National Army, who stood on a concrete pedestal out to sea. He headed the tanker ashore at top speed where it churned out of the water and over a low headland, cutting a swathe through some trees and into another sea loch. He then berthed the tanker at some toilets on a pier.
I then thought it was time to go home and headed up to where my Dad had parked the car, which nimbly changed from a Morris 8 into a Volvo 760 as I adjusted to the time period. Still wrong.
My Mum then phoned my mobile saying that I should be elsewhere.
The three soles watched all this with interest.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
The Pursuit
I keep ahead of them, run through the shopping mall and into a shop. I hide under some duvets and they try to find me. Suddenly I am discovered. They aim to shoot. At that moment some friends arrive. The interuption allows me to kick the gun out of the man's hand. Real TV stuff.
I capture the man and the others capture the woman.
I take him to a nearby house where the owner offers us a cup of tea. We gratefully accept.
The captured man spits his out. "It's Earl Grey!" he roars.
I then take him, still with his arm up his back, to my house where I keep a choice of teas for just such an emergency.
Surely the pursuit wasn't just about my preference for Earl Grey? It sets me thinking . .
The journey to the police will have to wait.
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Kitchen Clay
I head towards it but realise that it can't be what I had assumed as it is several feet high. Scale wrong again.
It is in fact a large lump of potter's clay.
Next it is on my kitchen worktop. Luckily it is of very solid construction.
The clay glares in my direction waiting for me to mold it into something.
Obviously it can't stay where it is and I wonder what to do . .
No change there then.
Friday, 21 September 2007
Holiday Time
We walk past new crags that have replaced Perth cemetery. Look pretty steep and inaccessable.
We head towards Perth's new beach. We meet a well known blog man and his wife. I tell them we are going to the new ferry terminal. Lot of changes it seems.
C and I walk across the busy beach towards the ferry.
At its far end we climb a very steep, rocky slope, a tad dangerous. I arrive at the top and reach down to give C a hand just as a massive steel door closes behind him.
We surprisingly find ourselves aboard a CalMac ferry bound for the Isle of Lewis.
The Purser greets us and we pay him £1.40 for the crossing which includes dinner.
Seems excellent value.
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Weapons of the Mind
I was aware that people could throw invisible balls of 'mind energy' at me, or each other.
I also had the capability of throwing such stuff.
The problem was: If I believed in the whole idea, these balls of energy could really hurt or kill me. However if I did not believe in the idea they were harmless, but I also could not defend myself against them by counter attack using the same weapons.
I therefore walked around meeting people unsure whether to believe in the weapon or not.
It turned into a bit of a nightmare as I thought some of the people were in the house with me when I awoke in darkness. However, luckily, I was still asleep.
Of course all this has some basis in how people interact. If you believe someone is directing negative 'stuff' towards you, you will be effected and vice versa.
An offensive weapon of the mind.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
No Place Like Home
I see a group of buildings in the distance. A warm, fuzzy group of lights.
I approach the place eagerly.
The buildings and lights remain fuzzy. Even walking closer makes no difference.
I am right up at the buildings and still the outlines are all blurred.
Is it my eyesight? Probably not as other things are in focus.
Entering a building seems impossible. The doors and walls are all a hazy blur, can't distinguish the difference.
I feel shut out. No safe place. Only the night.
Do me good to rough it.
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
The Bicycle Race
My chain had come off and I got my hands covered in oil trying to put it back.
Only a few minutes to go, then we are off.
I wonder about what will happen at the end of the day. Where will I sleep? What will I eat? What about a change of underwear?
I realise more preparation would not have gone amiss.
Have I got time to pack a rucksack with a few things?
The others all seem unconcerned, dressed in sleek lycra or something.
Bang! We are off!
Too late to do anything.
I pedal away and hope for the best.
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Pedestrian Crossing
Pedestrians who were intent on crossing the road were given a yellow reflecting jacket by a policeman. They were then directed across the road to be met by another policeman at the far side, who relieved them of the jacket.
The process continued with the next pedestrian etc.
Did fluorescent jackets actually fluoresce, or merely reflect?
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Men From Mars
The liquid went over the top of the wellies I was wearing.
I thought I was on Mars but there was no red sky.
I reached down into the water and picked up a small elongated bent stone. It looked black but it had clear ends and was totally translucent crystal throughout its length.
Other crystals littered the sea bed.
I saw three people sitting on a tiny island. They were not quite human.
I handed the crystal to one of them, who examined it with interest and passed it to the others.
Somehow it was what they were waiting for.
I moved on towards a group of other people, also in the liquid, then woke up.
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Face the Clock

Sunday, 9 September 2007
No Escape

Thursday, 6 September 2007
The Meaning of Life
I climbed up the hill and came to a narrow ravine running horizontally across my path. The summit and pole were not far away but the place was incredibly exposed and scary.
I thought about jumping the ravine but couldn't bring myself to attempt the leap. A railway seemed to rumble along far away at the bottom, below a thin glass roof.
I looked at the stone pole and noted that a rusty vertical ladder was attached to its side and led to the shelf.
A risky jump, a scramble up some loose rock, a steep pull up the ladder and a final long reach was all that lay between me and finding meaning.
Some risks have, perhaps, to be taken.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Religion, Women and Football.
Not a usual occurence.
Just before the sermon all the men got up and walked out. Excellent I thought, leave me with all the women.
But, I was noticed, and some of the men 'ushered' me out as well.
Apparently we were all going to watch a football match on a large screen.
Not liking football I sat at the very back where I couldn't see the screen.
I spoke to a large, fit looking guy next to me and said that we were all right here, right at the very back, out of sight and sound of the screen.
He glared at me and said that he was the projectionist and also starred in the film.
Football and Religion, if its not one or both, its the other, that's leaving out the women altogether.
Monday, 3 September 2007
The Summit
The mist is more than just a cloud of water droplets, it is an actual barrier that needs to be fought through. Tangible.
Trepidation mounts as the summit approaches.
What will we say to each other?
Whatever. It will be an important meeting.
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Crashing Coincidence.

Tuesday, 28 August 2007
The Leather Hill and the UFO
Monday, 27 August 2007
Extreme Resolution.

This was an image from a recurring dream in which I let my young son walk across a piece of rotting sackcloth which covered a large hole in the floorboards. Below the hole was a big drop into the basement and deeper. Skeletons from the past were all buried down there.
I always intended to have the hole fixed but never got round to the job. Familiar or what?
Anyway last night's dream featured such a house along with a small cottage and a semi detached villa on a hillside. I was in a shed below the houses when a friend in a small jet, armed with a napalm gun, fired a burst into the air as a demonstration and then roared off over the horizon. The burning napalm fell onto the houses setting them alight.
I stood in the shed holding onto a water tap whilst others fixed a hosepipe onto the tap and extinguished the fires.
I did my bit by turning the tap on but it felt very little compared to the others, some of whom rescued people from the buildings.
More familiar feelings, but at least the hole in my floor job had at last been resolved.
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Brain Box
I wondered at the time if this was my brain.
There was certainly enough empty space in it.
Also room to keep two parts of my life firmly apart.
It's all fitting together . .
Thursday, 23 August 2007
The Crossroads
I asked him across to the house where I was staying. The house was a crooked, ancient stone affair.
The place? Well, it was at a crossroads. The roads were narrow and rough. No traffic was ever visible on the road but things and people passed by continuously.
It was the busiest junction in the Universe, right at the very centre, but few ever found it and virtually no one ever stopped. There was around 3 houses and a sort of post office/general store.
I had just been in the shop, which was closing at 6pm. I had been looking for a wooden puppet for my granddaughter. One of the women assistants had taken me into the basement which was an Aladdin's Cave of unusual toys and almost everything else. I said I would come back in the morning, which evinced great surprise as very few people stayed at the crossroads overnight.
Anyway, back to George. I was about to take him into the house when I realised that the woman and daughter inside dated from over 30 years ago. I wished I could introduce him to someone more contemporary. My daughter at least he would like to meet.
But, at that moment I was whisked off along one of the roads, to arrive back in an 8am sunny morning in 2007.
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Time Line
Faster and faster, past my birth, Primary School, High School, working as a telephone engineer, weather man, faster and faster, loads of little land marks, goals achieved or not achieved . .
On and on . .
Too fast, try and retrace . .
Only works One Way?
Oh no!
The final lesson?
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Crystal Life?
It was a slightly elongated hemispere with a flat glass base. It was 'wearing' a green coat. It had two long flexible arms. I discovered that these were variable focus fibre optics. Each one had a different F number. It seemed to point at things it (or I) might find interesting.
When the arm was pointed at the ground, a hugely magnified picture of the ground would appear on the flat glass (or crystal) base. It looked like the hemisphere was made of solid glass or crystal, with an ability to magnify.
I pointed the arm at a guy called Zak, who was around half a mile distant and doing cartwheels. After a fuzzy few seconds he appeared on the base as if he was about 3 feet away.
Another guy (JF) looked at the hemisphere and said that it appeared alive and 'felt' sentient. I agreed.
But, just because we couldn't decide how it might possibly work was no reason to confer 'life' onto it.
We waited for it to walk off in the huff.
Monday, 20 August 2007
Catching a Bus
The driver was furious, he had been 'cut up' by the bus ahead and it was his duty to right the wrong by destroying the hapless bus, driver and passengers.
I held on for dear life as the bus thundered round blind bends, missing oncoming traffic by inches.
I was amazed at the driver's skill.
But, the pursued bus must have been aware of its potential fate and kept just ahead.
Needless to say, everyone missed their stop.
I probably did as well, had I been able to remember where I was going.
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Fifty Long Hot Summers
I then parked and walked down a narrow track to the sea.
A group of old houses stood on the shore. Also an ancient, wooden, Cadbury Chocolate factory. All peeling paint and rotting wood. People were living inside, like relics from the fifties. Nothing had changed except all were older and more decrepit.
Another dream of me, I know. .
Friday, 17 August 2007
Parrots and Raspberries
I cycled off but walked when I came to a steep hill. Alongside the road were raspberry bushes with raspberries the size of pineapples. They looked and tasted gorgeous.
I photographed one with my mobile and another cyclist up ahead urged me to hurry. Why? I wondered as I was not holding him up. Why did he not taste the raspberries as well?
Then he told me he had a BBQ to organise.
I sort of understood.
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Prison Break
As I was about to go out of the door the lights went out. A power failure.
All the cell doors sprung open and prisoners were everywhere.
One big guy, held a knife to my throat and said he was going to kill me.
He lunged at me, folded the knife up and then handed it over.
"No hard feelings?" he said, shaking me by the hand.
I was amazed at the turn around.
Then I looked over my shoulder and saw two guards with chrome plated rifles aiming at my new found friend.
Aah well, that's the way the world works I suppose.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Disturbance in the Night
They were stapling padded tinfoil to the underside of the ceilings and further securing it using mock Tudor beams.
I spoke to one of the workmen and he said the Firm never slept. They worked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round. They took it in turn to doze in one of the vans. Thus they kept ahead of the Competition.
I told the rest of my household that there was nothing to worry about, except the fact that it was snowing in August.
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Ascending to the Light
Monday, 13 August 2007
Out for a Drive
A group of tribesman approached from over the sand.
Three armed children walked past, but they were not really children but sort of South Park caricatures.
It was all a bit scary.
Did the AA operate in Iraq? Probably not.
Why was I there in the first place?
Saturday, 11 August 2007
The Motorcycle Ride
I went outside leaving them to chat.
A German friend was waiting for me outside with his Harley-Davidson, driven by his 6 month old son and he was riding pillion. A large horizontal frame type sidecar at right angles to the machine was for me to lie on.
The total width of the combination was thus around 10 feet.
I lay down and we set off, feeling perhaps a trifle anxious.
But I soon fell asleep as we rolled along the sunny, dusty road. Bliss.
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Running for No Reason
I ran along a track and hid under an overhang of turf. I had heard a searching helicopter. I peeked out and saw a long thin pencil like machine, without rotors, hovering overhead. Black helmeted personnel sat in open chairs on either side, peering down.
I ran off again, imagining thermal imaging. I ran into a wooded country estate, past a pipe smoking colonel and his tartan trouser suited daughter. They were both startled and she ran after me. I can easily outrun her I thought. But no, a minute later she was loping alongside, asking me why I was running.
I stopped and said that I had no idea.
"Work on it," she said.
Monday, 6 August 2007
Beaten by German Fork Hunters
The track was muddy and up ahead I saw around 1000 stationary Germans in orderly lines. Perhaps military, I'm not sure. I threaded through them and got ahead of the group.
But to my dismay I found I had lost some of my new forks.
I retraced my steps to search for them.
But, the Germans had been mobilised by their commander and ordered to search the lane for, naturally, old cutlery.
The commander had already found several old forks and spoons.
I ran through the group and an amazing amount of cutlery had been found.
Having no German to explain about my lost Ikea stuff, I had little chance of finding them myself.
What a load of tosh.
Sunday, 5 August 2007
The Tunnel
No traffic, no people, just silence.
"Must be a Public Holiday," was the marginally reasonable explanation.
Then I saw two world maps on the diagonally opposite street corner.
A ghostly figure was colouring them in, although the marks were appearing in advance of his brushstrokes. We watched in fascination.
One was a weather map, obvious enough, wind directions predominant.
The other had numerous red blotches surrounded by black fuzzy expanding circles. Some were on the UK.
Then we realised what was going on.
Nuclear War, Armageddon probably.
Back to the Tunnel?
Saturday, 4 August 2007
Exploding Cupboards and a Magical Tablecloth.
The first was knowing that something was amiss in the rest of the house. I got up and wandered through from the bedroom and found that all my kitchen units and cupboards had exploded from the inside. Needless to say the place was a mess, stuff everywhere, nothing intact. Real enough perhaps.
Then, an AA patrolman gave me a present of a tablecloth he had picked up abroad. It had clear helium balloons fixed with string every square foot or so. If you peered into each balloon a 3D scene became visible which was of a real place far away. The middle balloon which was the largest was capable of lifting a person up into the air. He demonstrated this by thrusting his arms up into the balloon neck and up he went, tablecloth and all, for a few yards then slowly descending.
I tried it, but too close to overhead power lines, wimped out and woke up, alas, without the tablecloth.
Friday, 3 August 2007
The Baby
Then some yob came in and woke up another of his type on the other side of the room. They started to speak and laugh loudly. A muffled "Shhh" came from some other bed. No difference, the noise continued and got louder.
I lost it. I stood up and roared,
" If you c**** don't shut up, I will f****** kill both of you."
Stunned silence, but followed by another faint, "Shhh."
However the baby woke up.
I asked my daughter, who was also now awake, and a bit scared (probably of me), what she fed it on.
She replied, "Corn Flakes."
Having forgotten to bring any, I tried feeding it a tomato I found on a nearby shelf.
We all tried to settle down again, but the sleeping spell in the room had been somewhat broken.
That's why I was awake at 5am.
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Monday, 30 July 2007
A Most Peculiar Beach.
I approach the run down buildings only to find they are only a front, a wooden facade hiding the most extraordinary beach.
I squeeze through a gap in the wooden brickwork and find sand as far as the eye can see. The sand is wet underfoot as I head to the distant water. The beach dips sharply down and much to my surprise, about 5 miles away and several thousand feet below I see the Proper Seaside Town.
But, it looks like where I am standing has recently been covered by high tide. How does that work? The Town must be under at least 3000 feet of seawater twice a day. Fascinating.
Then I see some of the cast of Still Game run out of a beach hut and swim naked in a nearby rock pool.
Its all too much and I wake up in my nice dry bed, with the tide still out.
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Lost in Big Brother House
Being in the bathroom with the others freaks me out and so I go back into the corridor in my pyjamas. I am then confronted with a BB Open Day which I know nothing about. Various stalls are scattered around and another housemate is lying on her back, pushing with her feet and so propelling herself around between the legs of other people, to their consternation.
I then try to find the bedroom for a lie down, with the commentator still droning on in his weird accent.
I can't find the security of the bedroom but realise that may well be pretty scary anyway.
Where is the Diary Room so I can present my case for release?
I try to silence the Voice but not sure if its real or just in my head.
Luckily I find the door to Waking Up.
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Another Planet
A visit to another planet was the subject of this dream. On one side of the mountain I had climbed was a smaller version of the other side.
Weird craft hovered motionless around me. I could see people on the road down on the plain, and on the other side tiny people on the other, much smaller, road.
The sky was pink, an excellent shade.
All very weird.
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Mobile Madness
Messages for a million people.
This must be going on all the time. Every nanosecond someone gets a message from somewhere or someone.
Information exchanged for a billion reasons.
Endless messages . . .
I will need a new battery.
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Time Travel

Tuesday, 24 July 2007
The Chase
I was left for some time and then pulled clear.
Much to the consternation of all, including myself, I was completely unscathed.
It just felt like I had suffered a stern reprimand.
Excellent, I could live with that.
Monday, 23 July 2007
The Quarry
I wandered through the piles of rocks, feeling vaguely vulnerable.
Then I could smell cooking, mmm . . .
I came across a line of men at an open air canteen. Lunchtime.
I joined the queue. It was a sort of rough buffet.
I helped myself to a large bacon sandwich and sat down with some dusty workers to enjoy my hardly deserved gains.
This was the life.
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Moon and Venus
Saturday, 21 July 2007
The Journey.
Friday, 20 July 2007
Plane Crash

Saturday, 14 July 2007
Not sure if I wanted the thoughts to 'grow', but that would be the logical outcome. Perhaps 'logical' is the wrong word.
Thoughts solidifying into action.
My aim generally, but so far only partially achieved.
Thursday, 12 July 2007
The Canoe
Idly paddling.
Gazing round wistfully at the shore, which had of course disappeared.
Both of us facing the same way but not at each other.
Good thing perhaps as I probably look terrified.
Dip, pull, dip, pull, dip, pull, ad nauseum.
Where will it all end, should have shelled out for life jackets after all.
The sea is devoid of road signs, roundabouts or markings of any sort.
Need some sort of instinct.
Would just be happy with some sort of popular science intuition.
All this is of course to come, as I have just bought a rather clumsy looking, ex hire, non sea going canoe at a knock down price.
First fine day . .
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Insect Man
I then set out looking for new insects to terrorise.
Friday, 6 July 2007
Cycle of Life and Death
I emerge from the higher door with another man, both running. Around a dozen orcs and goblins attack us with razor sharp swords, bows and arrows. We are also armed with short stubby swords. I turn to attack two identical goblin twins, stabbing both through the chest. We run down the hill towards the safety of the lower door. Black arrows whizz past. I wait for the piercing pain of a hit.
I know what the arrows and swords feel like as they enter my flesh. This is not the first attack by the Tolkienesque band of warriors.
I know that we will have to go through the castle again and again, emerge from the upper door and run the gauntlet of the goblin/orc band. Sometimes we do not survive.
Must be a resolution waiting to be found.
Perhaps I need therapy.
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
My shortest post yet.
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
Trailer Derby
One veers off the road and hurtles towards me but luckily swerves to one side of the house.
I stagger up to look again and more trailers are roaring along the motorway, ramming each other to get in front.
I decide against taking the car to the shops.
Has the world gone mad?
Monday, 2 July 2007
The Underground
It was an Aladdin's cave of old tinplate railways. An endless underground station, rusty and neglected from the 1950's. Somehow all connected to my father. In fact, it may have been an aspect of him, somehow.
The cave was only around half a metre high, but I was able to walk around in it, explore.
The tracks seemed to go on forever, as did the cobwebs.
I started to walk further in and the way back seemed to get less clear.
Perhaps to go on was a strictly one way affair.
I returned to what I thought was the 'Way Out'
Saturday, 30 June 2007
"A Quarter of Nodes Please"
I stood wondering what choice to make.
This choice would effect the direction of my life for years to come, which probably meant forever.
With pardonable hesitation I pointed at a jar.
The choice has been made. .
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Hailstorm Cafe
So, this is what it's like to eat out with another man?
Don't think I am homophobic, but, I mean . .
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
The Revolving Field
I then acknowledged that I knew nothing of how the world worked.
Even awake I still wonder . .
Scary Dream
Who am I kidding, find difficulty in changing the loo roll.
Why is real daylight so reassuring and ghosts reside only in the sleeping mind. Or do they?
Friday, 22 June 2007
The Auction
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Tea Break.
She has cropped up before.
Thought about shooting her.
Perhaps not yet.
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Heavy Rain Forecast
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
The Journey
Could I negotiate passed her to the Other Side?
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Two visitors only
Saturday, 16 June 2007
Another day at the office.
Then I realised that I had no idea how far London was, had no wife, had no work in London to go to or even in what direction to head for London.
However I drove on hoping that things would be made clearer as the day progressed.
No change there then.
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Quarry women

Monday, 11 June 2007
Mmm, Doughnut House
Trying to work out this small conundrum I awoke.
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Red Dye
A midnight walk last night enabled me to stand in some red dye and see Jupiter, Venus and a brilliant satellite passing overhead.
Friday, 8 June 2007
A birthday wave
The second present was an old picture which was completely black, as was the frame. The picture was for telling the future, the idea being that by staring at it images appeared. I looked at it and immediately recognised it as something I had painted myself a long long time ago. I asked my friend to look on the back of the picture and sure enough there was my signature.
Excellent presents both.
Thursday, 7 June 2007
The Stripper
Have no idea how this corresponds to my current process.....
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
The Hole
This entry made at one of the numerous internet cafes on Isle of Iona.